
243.2 坐式八段锦对於护理之家失能住民每日血压波动之前驱性研究
TJ TCM.24(3) : 29-42, 2021
A Pilot Study of the Effects of Seated-Version Baduanjin on Day-to-Day Blood Pressure Fluctuation among Nursing Home Residents
陈冠佐1,2,3 洪春金4 林淑芬4 林佩静5 唐睿谊5 蔡金川1,2,3*
1 义大医院中医部,高雄,台湾
2 义大癌治疗医院中医科,高雄,台湾
3 义守大学学士後中医系,高雄,台湾
4 义大癌治疗医院护理部,高雄,台湾
5 义大大昌医院社区健康促进组,高雄,台湾
目的:近期研究显示罹患失智症、阿兹海默症、脑血管疾病之高龄者与血压波动(Blood pressure variability, BPV)有相关性;血压波动越高,罹患失智症、阿兹海默症、脑血管疾病之风险越高。系统性回顾显示八段锦对於间隔时间访视的血压值(Visit-to-visit blood pressure)具有调控的效益。然而目前坐式八段锦对於高龄轮椅依赖长者的每日血压波动则无相关研究。因此,本研究将探讨坐式八段锦介入护理之家住民对於长期血压波动的调控效益。
方法:本研究在护理之家连续执行4 个月的坐式八段锦气功活动,每周施作2 次,每次33 分钟。依据叁与八段锦气功的程度,被分配为积极叁与组(n=12)与消极叁与组(n=11)。每日早上常规定时测量个案的收缩压(Systolic blood pressure, SBP)、舒张压(Diastolic blood pressure, DBP)及环境温度,并且计算分析每月的收缩压变异系数(Coefficient of variation of SBP, SBP-CoV)与舒张压变异系数(Coefficient of variation of DBP, DBPCoV),藉由广义估计方程式(Generalized estimating equation model)分析血压波动。
结果:结果显示积极叁与组在连续施作3 个月後,收缩压波动显着降低2.748%(B=-2.748, 95% CI: [-0.406 to -5.09], p=0.021), 连续施作4 个月後效果维持,血压波动降低2.872%(B=-2.872, 95% CI: [-0.498 to -5.247],p=0.018),然而舒张压波动则无明显改变。而在气温较低且温度波动大的时期,消极叁与组的长辈们血压波动提高约1.858%(B=1.858, 95% CI: [0.166 to 3.550], p=0.031),积极叁与组则不受影响。
Kuan-Tso Chen1,2,3 Chun-Chin Hung4 Shu-Fen Lin4 Pei-Ching Lin5
Rui-Yi Tang5 Chin-Chuan Tsai1,2,3*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, E-Da Cancer Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4Department of Nursing, E-Da Cancer Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
5Community Health Promotion Section, E-Da Dachang Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Objectives: Recent research have demonstrated that the development of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and cerebrovascular disease in the elderly is associated with blood pressure variability (BPV). It is proposed that higher BPV is risk factor for above disease. Previous meta-analysis study proposed that Baduanjin exercise is beneficial for visit-to-visit blood pressure regulation. However, the research for the effect of seated-version Baduanjin for the wheelchair dependence older people on day-to-day BPV was deficient. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficacy of modified seated version Baduanjin on day-to-day BPV.
Methods: Baduanjin practice was implemented as a 33-minute regular physical exercise held twice weekly within 4 months. Disabled residents lived in the nursing home were divided into active participants group (n=12) and inactive participants group (n=11) according to the attendance in this study. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and daily room temperature were measured every morning and monthly coefficient of variation of SBP (SBP-CoV) and DBP (DBP-CoV) were calculated for each resident from November 2017 to March 2018.
Results: The generalized estimating equation model revealed a significant reduction of SBP-CoV in the third month among active participants group (regression coefficient of group by time interaction B=-2.748, 95% CI: [-0.406 to -5.09], p=0.021) and sustained to the forth month (regression coefficient of group by time interaction B=-2.872, 95% CI: [-0.498 to -5.247], p=0.018). There is no significant change in diastolic blood pressure fluctuations. The significant increase of SBP-CoV in inactive participants in the third month was observed, which was thought due to cold weather. (regression coefficient B=1.858, 95% CI: [0.166 to 3.550], p=0.031).
Conclusions: The preliminary result of our study was that regular seatedversion Baduanjin exercise could significantly reduce the systolic blood pressure fluctuation in the elders.
【Keywords】Badunjin; Blood Pressure Fluctuation; Aging; Disability; The Programs to Prevent or Delay Disability