
241.11 中医治疗自闭症儿童语言发展迟缓之病例报告
TJ TCM.24(1) : 137-146, 2021
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of
Delay Language Development in Children With Autism-A Case Report
黄郅涵1 陈苡涵1 杨成湛1,2*
1 花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
2 慈济大学学士後中医学系,花莲,台湾
本病例报告描述治疗一位七岁自闭症男孩伴有语言发展迟缓之案例。患者自三岁(2016 年)时被发现有语言迟缓情形,西医诊断为自闭症,依丹佛发展筛检量表(Denver Developmental Screening Tests, DDST)评估後,此病患在精细动作及适应能力、语言方面皆有发展迟缓的现象。自诊断後即持续接受复健科职能治疗和语言治疗至今。四岁多时开始有眠浅易醒的症状,六岁多时开始有食欲不佳及挑食的情形。本案例之特色在於,以一周一次的频率给予中药和头部针灸治疗,中药以导赤散或香砂六君子汤、竹叶石膏汤为主方,清热养阴、益气和胃,并酌加茯神、夜交藤养心安神;针灸穴位选用:百会穴、四神聪、上星穴、神庭穴、双侧承光穴,留针20 分钟。治疗一个半月後,患者眠浅易醒的症状改善八成,食欲不佳及挑食的情形改善六成,持续治疗两个月後,丹佛发展筛检量表(Denver Developmental Screening Tests, DDST)语言的项目中,和中医初诊时相比较,能够多达成五个项目。对此治疗过程作一介绍和讨论。
Chih-Han Huang1Yi-Han Chen1Cheng-Chan Yang1,2*
1The Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan
2The Department of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan
This case report describes the treatment of a seven-year-old boy with autism accompanied by delayed language development. The patient was found to have speech delay since he was three years old, and was diagnosed with autism. After evaluation by the Denver Developmental Screening Tests (DDST), the patient had slow development in fine movements, adaptability and language. Since the diagnosis, he has continued to receive functional treatment and speech therapy in the rehabilitation department until now. He began to have symptoms of light sleep and easy to wake up when he was four years old, and began to have poor appetite and picky eating six months ago. The characteristic of this case is that after giving Chinese medicine and head acupuncture once a week for one and a half months, the patient’s symptoms of light sleep and easy to wake up improved by 80%, poor appetite and picky eating improved by 60%. After two months of continuous treatment, five more projects can be achieved in the language of Denver Developmental Screening Tests (DDST). We give Traditional Chinese Medicine including Dao Chi San or Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction, Zhuye Shigao Decoction as the main prescription to the patient, clearing away heat and nourishing yin, replenishing qi and stomach, and adding Fushen and Yejiaoteng to nourish the heart and soothe the nerves. We also choose acupuncture points: Baihui, Fourth Shencong, Shangxing, Shenting, bearing light on both sides for the patient, and keep the needles for 20 minutes.
【Keywords】Autism; Language Development Delay; Chinese Medicine