
241.8 从外部视角比较《伤寒论》与《红楼梦》的身世
TJ TCM.24(1) : 87-102, 2021
Comparing the Experience of "Shang
Han Lun" and "Honglou Meng" from an External Perspective
杜逸龙1,2 黄依婷1 侯伯奇1 吴龙源1,3* 蔡汎修1*
1 义守大学学士後中医学系,高雄,台湾
2 义大医疗财团法人义大癌治疗医院中医科,高雄,台湾
3 吴龙源中医诊所,台北,台湾
Yi-Long Tu1,2Yi-Ting Huang1Po-Chi Hou1Lung-Yuan Wu1,3*Fan-Shiu Tsai1*
1The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate of I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2The Department of Chinese Medicine of E-DA Cancer Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3WU LUNG-YUAN Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
In general, two perspectives can be used to explore a book. One is the internal perspective, that is, the focus of the research analysis is on the content of the article; the other is the external perspective, the focus is on the author and the book itself. The era of time and the space-time environment experienced by different versions of books are equivalent to treating the book itself as a person and discussing the events it has experienced. In this paper, through the collation of literature, we find that "Shang Han Lun" and "Honglou Meng" have many similarities in life experience from an external perspective. Zhang Taiyan and Hu Shi, in the early Republic of China, examined the authors of "Shang Han Lun" and "Honglou Meng" respectively. There are different versions of "Shang Han Lun" and "Honglou Meng", or even versions that have spread to foreign ries. In terms of inheritance of academic thoughts, "Shang Han Lun" inherits "Tangye Jing" in a broad way; "Honglou Meng" inherits "Jinpingmei" in a transcendental way. In terms of textual taboos, the author of "Shang Han Lun" did not specifically taboo texts, but the descendants of later avoided due to taboos of their time; the author of "Honglou Meng" did not avoid national or family textual taboos, but the characters in the novel did follow taboos. Zhang Zhongjing’s family was hit by typhoid fever; Cao Xueqin’s family was politically hit. In terms of the impact of the two books, "Shang Han Lun" is like a searchlight that illuminates the way for later medical doctors; "Honglou Meng" is like a spotlight, bringing together various formats of literary writing in Chinese literature and forming a "Redology".
【Keywords】Shang Han Lun; Honglou Meng; Editions of Shang Han Lun; Editions of Honglou Meng