
241.5 中西照护活动对於社区预防及延缓失能失智之经验探讨
TJ TCM.24(1) : 55-64, 2021
The Experience Explore to Prevention and Delay of Disability and Dementia with Chinese
and Western Physical Exercise Care Activities
黄柏铭1,6* 廖淇骅2 周律廷1 许书福3 吕怡惠4 何旭华5
1 天主教若瑟医院中医科,云林,台湾
2 天主教若瑟医院长照社区健康部,云林,台湾
3 天主教若瑟医院复健科职能治疗组,云林,台湾
4 财团法人天主教若瑟社会福利基金会,云林,台湾
5 天主教若瑟医院神经内科,云林,台湾
6 南华大学,嘉义,台湾
台湾2018 年已迈入高龄社会,在长照2.0「在地老化」、「在地安养」目标下,我们叁与了预防及延缓失能照护计画并执行於社区的失智据点和C级巷弄长照站,照护轻中度失智及失能民众。文献指出传统中医健身养生方法中例如八段锦、太极拳等大多属低运动强度,可以调节身心,有益於生活品质,加强认知能力。我们以中医养生为核心结合其他复健、语言、营养等专业专家,开展一个预防及延缓失能照护计画,回溯2019 年3 期活动,159名社区民众分成失智组与一般失能组完成叁与了本方案活动。
活动後结果探讨,衰弱评估上失智组有显着的改善,介护上也呈现风险降低;Kihon Checklist 评量上失智组在活动後,社交困扰及认知功能两项风险有显着性降低,一般失能组在活动後抑郁风险方面有显着性降低。我们以为实施本方案在降低认知、社交及抑郁等风险有帮助,对於独立生活及活动运动的评量需要更多的设计探讨与研究。
Bo-Ming Huang1,6*Ci-Hua Liao2Lu-Ting Chou1Shu-Fu Hsu3
Yi-Hui Lu4 Hsu-Hwa Her5
1Chinese Medicine Department of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Yunlin, Taiwan
2LTC & Community Health Department of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Yunlin, Taiwan
3Occupational Therapy Group of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Yunlin, Taiwan
4St. Joseph’s Social Welfare Foundation, Yunlin, Taiwan
5Neurology of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Yunlin, Taiwan
6Nanhua University, Chiayi, Taiwan
Taiwan has entered a senior society in 2018. Under the goals "Local aging" and "Aging in place"of Long-Term Care 2.0 (LTC 2.0), we participated in the prevention and delay of disability health care plan and implemented it in dementia care center and the community point C, for people with mild to moderate dementia and disability. The study points out that TCM health exercise such as Baduanjin and Tai Chi are mostly low-intensity exercise, which can adjust the body and mind, benefit the quality of life and strengthen cognitive ability. We take Chinese medicine health care as the core and combine other professional experts in rehabilitation, speech, nutrition, etc. to carry out a plan to prevent and delay disability care. After three periods a year in 2019, 159 people in the community, dementia and disability group are included the group participates in this program activity.
Post-activity analysis of the results, Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) assessment has a significant improvement in dementia group, and there is also a reduction in risk in nursing care; In addition, Kihon Checklist (KCL) criteria dementia group has a significant reduction both in the risk of social distress and cognitive function after the activity. The general disability group had a significant reduction in depression risk after the activity. We think that the implementation of this program is helpful in reducing the risk of cognition, socialization and depression. It requires more design discussion and research on the evaluation of daily living and physical strength.
【Keywords】TCM Health Care; Baduanjin; Prevention and Delay of Disability; Dementia