
241.4 慢性肾衰竭血液透析患者透析前後经络能量分析
TJ TCM.24(1) : 39-54, 2021
The Comparison and Analysis with the Meridian
Energy Analysis Device Value Before and After Hemodialysis in Hemodialysis Patients
吴舜筠1 吕梯青2 王伟杰3,4* 侯毓昌1,5,6,7*
1 卫生福利部桃园医院中医科,桃园,台湾
2 台北仁济院附设仁济医院中医科,台北,台湾
3 卫生福利部桃园医院肾脏科,桃园,台湾
4 中原大学生物医学工程学系,桃园,台湾
5 中原大学生物科技系,桃园,台湾
6 长庚大学中医学系,桃园,台湾
7 中国医药大学中医学系,台中,台湾
结果:共招募了102 位病人,血液透析的原因以慢性肾丝球肾炎及糖尿病肾病变为前两名,透析平均年龄为60.36±12.13 岁,血液透析时间平均值为58.17±47.15 个月,性别以女性为多数,BMI 平均值为23.42±3.97。血液透析前经络能量平均值为43.53±4.23,透析後平均能量为38.47±5.59,且下降达统计学差异。血液透析效率(Kt/V 值)≥ 1.2、白蛋白< 4.0、女性、透析时间(月数)较长之病人,透析後能量下降较明显且达统计学上差异;病人年龄是否> 65 岁、血球容积比(Hct)是否≥ 30、造成慢性肾衰竭之原因、瘻管位置、身体质量指数(BMI)及接受透析时段等因素分析,经络能量值下降则未达统计学差异。
Shuenn-Yun Wu1Ti-Chin Lu2Wei-Jie Wang3,4*Yu-Chang Hou1,5,6,7*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2Taipei Jen-Chi Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
3Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of
Health and Welfare, Taoyuan, Taiwan
4Department of Biomedical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
5Department of Bioscience Technology, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
6School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
7School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Objective: To evaluate the energy of meridians before and after hemodialysis and the factors that affect meridian energetics.
Methods: We recruited patients from our hospital’s hemodialysis clinic, and the meridian energy analysis device (MEAD) was used to record the meridian electrical conductance (MEC) values of twelve meridians before and after hemodialysis.We also recorded the reason for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), gender, age, the duration of hemodialysis, location of arteriovenous fistula, hematology, and biochemistry data.
Results: A total of 102 patients were analyzed. The top 2 reasons for ESRD were chronic glomerulonephritis and diabetic nephropathy. The average of patients’ age was 60.36±12.13 years old, the average duration of long term dialysis was 58.17±47.15 months, the average BMI was 23.42±3.97, and females are in majority. The meridian energy value before and after hemodialysis was 43.53±4.23 and 38.47±5.59, and the decline was significant. The patients who had dialysis clearance≥1.2, albumin levels <4.0, were female, and require longer durations of dialysis had a greater decrease in energy after dialysis. The factors like patients’ age>65 years old, hematocrit≥30, reason caused EGFR, location of arteriovenous fistula, BMI, and time undergoing hemodialysis were insignificant.
Conclusions: EGFR patients’ energy level decayed after undergoing hemodialysis.
Dialysis clearance, albumin levels, female patients, and patients who require longer durations of dialysis were the factors of meridian energetics.
【Keywords】ESRD; Hemodialysis; Energy of Meridian; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Meridian Energy Analysis Device (MEAD)