
232.9 中医药治疗肾积水病例报告
TJ TCM.23(2) : 131-140, 2020
A Case Report of Hydronephrosis Treated
with Traditional Chinese Medicine   
1 国防医学中心三军总医院中医部,台北,台湾
46 岁女性因右侧输尿管结石,接受输尿管镜雷射碎石术,并发右侧输尿管狭窄,引起急性肾盂肾炎及败血症,使用抗生素控制感染并置入双J 导尿管,而後因双J 管导尿移位,又发生急性肾盂肾炎,住院控制感染及移除右侧双J 导尿管,随後接受肾脏超音波检查,显示右侧肾积水。
泌尿道部分阻塞常导致後续泌尿道感染及肾积水,造成肾脏损伤及末期肾病变,损伤程度取决於阻塞的严重程度与持续时间,治疗上以双J 导尿管缓解输尿管阻塞,患者因双J 导尿管移位,已移除双J 导尿管,服用补益肾气、理气化瘀与清利湿热之剂,使肾之阳气充盈,则气化有力,积水通利,达到以中药治疗肾积水之效果。
Chien-Jung Lin1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
A 46-year-old woman was diagnosed with ureteral stone and received ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy. Then, she suffered from right ureteral stricture causing acute pyelonephritis and sepsis. During hospitalization, antibiotics were prescribed to control infection and double J catheter was placed. Unfortunately due to double-J catheter dislodgement, acute pyelonephritis occurred again. She received antibiotics treatment and the double-J catheter was removed. At the same time, right hydronephrosis was still existed by renal ultrasound examination.
Partial urinary tract obstruction often leads to subsequent urinary tract infection and hydronephrosis, causing kidney damage and end stage renal disease. The degree of injury depends on the severity and duration of the obstruction. Double-Jcatheter was often placed for relieving the ureteral obstruction and preventing
kidney damage.
This time, the Double-J catheter was removed for the patient due to the dislodgement of the catheter. Chinese herbs were prescribed to benefit kidney qi, regulate qi, dissipate blood stasis, disperse the damp and heat for the patient. When the qi of the kidney is filled, the gasification is powerful, the damp is clear and hydronephrosis will relieve. It is a successful case of hydronephrosis treated with traditional Chinese medicine.
【Keywords】ureteral stone, hydronephrosis, traditional Chinese medicine