
232.8 中医治疗多囊性卵巢症候群之病例报告
TJ TCM.23(2) : 117-130, 2020
A Case Report of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine   
蔡雅琪1 黄志男1 李佳颖1*
1 财团法人彰化基督教医院中医部,彰化,台湾
多囊性卵巢症候群是生育年龄妇女最常见的生殖内分泌病变,同时也是造成女性不孕的常见原因之一。根据其临床表现,中医将此疾病归属於「月经不调」、「闭经」、「不孕」等范畴来论治。本病例为一32 岁女性,自述青春期起便有月经周期紊乱症状,压力大时甚则半年月经未行。患者於2016 年起在本院中医部断断续续接受中药治疗,其月经淋漓不尽、月经後期的症状皆有明显改善;尔後又因忙碌而停止运动及饮食不忌,导致月经後期等症状再度出现,因而再次前来就诊。本篇病例报告希冀经由临床的治疗经验与文献探讨,提供临床中医实务的案例分享,其中患者的病史进展,生活习惯改变与改善月经周期之间的关系亦为本病例报告所要分享的重点之一。
Ya-Chi Tsai1Chih-Nan Huang1Jia-Ying Lee1*  
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), one of the most common causes of female infertility, is meanwhile thought to be the most common endocrine disorder found in women of childbearing age. According to the clinical symptoms of PCOS, it can be summed up as “irregular menstruation”, “amenorrhoea”,Infertility” in terms of Chinese medicine. This is the case report about one 32-year-old female having irregular menstruation since her puberty, and she had absent menstruation when under stress. She began receiving Chinese medicine treatment for late menstruation period in our department since 2016. After the treatment, the symptoms of dripping and continuous menstruation and delayed menstruation had improved. However, on ac of stressful work, lack of exercise and improper diet, her menstrual cycle became abnormal again and thus came to seek medical treatment. This report aims to illustrate the clinical experiences and literature review of the case, and to provide an effective clinical case for Chinese medicine practitioners. Furthermore, the patient progression and the relationship between lifestyle change and menstrual cycle are two focal points that we would like to share in this case report.
【Keywords】PCOS, delayed menorrhea, pathogenesis and pathology