
232.6 中医治疗退化性膝关节炎的实证医学:文献回顾
TJ TCM.23(2) : 81-92, 2020
Evidence-Based Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine
for Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: Literature Review   
黄靖钧1 林正哲1*
1 高雄医学大学附设医院中医部,高雄,台湾
Ching-Chun Huang1Cheng-Che Lin1*  
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
According to the worldwide research, the prevalence of degenerative knee joint disease is increasing year by year, which is positively related to age. It is a very important issues that lots of older people will be affected by knee osteoarthritis. The treatments of western medicine (WM) are anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, injection of hyaluronic acid, and joint replacement surgery. The methods and effects of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as adjuvant treatments is what we want to figure out. Starting from the etiology and pathogenesis of traditional Chinese medicine, we summarize the TCM internal medicine, acupuncture treatment, and TCM spinal manipulation, which use the concept of evidence-based medicine.
Evidence-based medicine is based on a systematic review of multiple randomized clinical trials on level 1. First, the addition of Duhuo Jisheng decoction can significantly reduce knee pain and improve knee joint score. Seconds, the effects of electro-acupuncture, acupuncture moxibustion or fireneedle moxibustion have more significant effects than acupuncture manipulation. In addition, TCM spinal manipulation shows positive results in clinical trials, based on its theory. Finally, we integrate the above effective TCM treatments with the etiology and pathogenesis of knee osteoarthritis we have constructed, which can provide the information to clinicians or researchers. We are looking forward to more studies in the future to explain clearly about the role of TCM treatment of knee osteoarthritis and to strengthen the trust and application of TCM with WM.
【Keywords】knee osteoarthritis, TCM treatment, evidence-based medicine, literature review