
232.5 东亚医药原典之形成与流传研究
TJ TCM.23(2) : 49-66, 2020
Research on the Formation and Transportation of Ancient Traditional
Medical Literature in East-Asia   
陈麒方1,2,3* 山本升伯3
1 马偕医护管理专科学校,新北市,台湾
2 台北╱丰原天心中医医院,台北,台湾
3 日本东洋医学会,东京,日本
中医药古籍在汉、唐、宋、明历经四次大转折:西汉李柱国(生卒未详)校医经七家二百一十六卷、经方十家二百七十四卷,新莽刘歆(B.C.50-A.D.23)总结今本《内经》、黄帝医籍,东汉张仲景(150-219)撰《伤寒论》、盛唐孙思邈(541-682)撰《千金方》,影响东瀛汉医籍《医心方》(984)成书,并对现代中医临床规范起划时代影响,中世同期杨上善(585-670)编《黄帝内经太素》则为目前可见最古医典。赵宋皇族好医,儒医化一改原先典籍风貌,太祖编《开宝本草》(973),而後太宗编《太平圣惠方》(992),仁宗朝成立校正医书局整理校订暨刊刻(1096)十一部(涉及医经、经方、本草、鍼灸)原典,徽宗主纂《圣济总录》(1117),提升《内经》地位。明末博物学巨着《本草纲目》(1596)问世後,相关衍作《本草备要》(1694)、《本草从新》(1757)、《纲目拾遗》(1765)直到廿世纪末始终是中医执照考命题来源,此亦为目前医药卫生广告引录依据。清国北方《医宗金鉴》(1742)、南方陈修园(1753-1823)系列着作,总结各朝医药知识,是十八世纪迄今在汉字文化圈流传最广的医籍。廿世纪初,日本汉洋医整合书籍,对中医药理论之解读打开新面相;1950 年代起,海峡两岸中医药院校相继成立,1980 年代中国大陆中医药管理局进行中医古籍校注,台湾代表着作有林昭庚主编《中西医病名对照大辞典》、《新编彩图鍼灸学》,以及陈淼和《伤寒论台湾本》等。
Chi-Fang Chen1,2,3*Shogo Yamamoto3  
1MacKay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2Ten-Shin Traditional Medicine Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
3The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Objectives: traditional Chinese medicine is the oldest traditional medicine in the world. Its connotations are derived from the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” and “Shanghan-lun.” Besides, there are lots of classical literatures about Chinese medicine. This article aims to trace medical history to explore the formation and transportation of ancient books and their influences on medicine. Methods: by using archival research.
Results: there are four important time periods in history-Han, Tang, Song and Ming dynasties. “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” and “Shanghan-lun” appeared in Han dynasty. Dr. Sun Simiao (541-682) studied these two canons and then wrote the “Valuable Prescriptions for Emergencies (650)” in Tang dynasty. After that time, kampo doctor wrote the “I-Shin-Ho (984)” in Japan. At song dynasty, there are lots of books containing benciao, decoction, and other pharmacy knowledge. “Bureau for Revising Medical Books (BRMB)” also established in Song dynasty. There are 11 medical canons published by BRMB by then; and physicians still read all those canons today. The Compendium of Materia Medica is an important work of Li Shizhen (of the Ming Dynasty), which affects the offspring of herbalism in depth. From 20th century to now, many Chinese medical doctors write the books and read canons as well.
Conclusion: Western doctors care about journals while TCM doctors pay much more attentions on literature canon. It is of importance to carefully read medical canons and then utilize for clinical applications.
【Keywords】East-Asia, the formation of canons, the transportation of canons, traditional medicine, Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, Shanghanlun (ShoKanRon)