
232.4 牡丹皮、天门冬精华液在减轻女性脸部皮肤暗沉之研究
TJ TCM.23(2) : 49-66, 2020
The Lotion Containing the Extract of Paeonia Suffruticosa and Asparagus Cochinchinensis Attenuated Skin Pigmentation in Women: A Pilot Study   
赵家仪1,3 胡楚松2 朱建福1 颜峰霖3*
1 天主教圣功医疗财团法人圣功医院中医部,高雄,台湾
2 高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院,高雄,台湾
3 高雄医学大学药学院香粧品学系,高雄,台湾
方法:本研究是随机单盲临床试验,共有60 位年龄为25 至60 岁健康女性受试者,其Fitzpatrick 皮肤类型为III 及IV 型,将其随机分为3 组,0.5%牡丹皮、天门冬精华液,2% 牡丹皮、天门冬精华液及未含牡丹皮、天门冬精华液之安慰剂,每组各20 人。受试者每日2 次脸部清洗後涂抹样品於皮肤暗沉部位。之後在试验前(第0 周)及试验後(第8 周)经数位肤质检测仪(VISIA)评估脸部黑色素程度。
结果:在使用後的第8 周,0.5% 及2% 牡丹皮、天门冬精华液确实改善受试者全脸的皮肤表浅斑点(p<0.05)。
Chia-Yi Chao1,3Chu-Sung Hu2Jeff -Chen Ju1Feng-Lin Yen3*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, ST. Joseph Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Department of Dermatology, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3Department of Fragrance and Cosmetic Science, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), one form of CAM, has indicated that long term body fluid deficiency津液缺乏), blood stasis血瘀)and blood heat(血热)can cause SHD. Clinical TCM usually uses the enrich yin(滋阴)herb, such as Asparagus cochinchinensis (Ac), to nourish the human body fluid andmoisturize the skin for improving skin metabolism, resulting in skin whitening. In addition, TCM also uses the angiogenesis promoting herb, such as Paeonia suffruticosa (Ps), to cure SHD through promoting blood circulation to dispel blood stasis(活血化瘀). Previous studies have revealed that the extract of Ps and Ac can effectively inhibit tyrosinase activity in melanocytes, but the evidence base for its skin whitening effect has not been investigated yet. In the present study, The lotion containing the extract of Ps and Ac was used to attenuate skin pigmentation in female subjects through a pilot study. This is a randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blind clinical trial. Sixty female subjects aged between 25 and 60 were enrolled, and their Fitzpatrick skin types were type III to IV Asian skin with hyperpigmentation conditions. There are three randomized groups in this pilot study, including 0.5% and 2% lotion and placebo, with 20 subjects in each group. All subjects in each group were administered various test samples in facial pigmentation areas twice a day after cleaning. Before (0 week) and after (8 week) treatment, all subjects were non-invasively evaluated by VISIA® photography. The results indicated that there was a significant decrease in superficial spots on the entire face after using 0.5% and 2% lotion (p<0.05). In summary, The lotion can effectively improve the skin pigmentation of subjects and displays skin whitening effect, and we suggest that the lotion may be used as a skin whitening product in the cosmetic or pharmaceutical industry in the future.
【Keywords】Skin pigmentation, Paeonia suffruticosa, Asparagus cochinchinensis, VISIA® photograp