
232.1 人体经络导电性与极化性的优势方向与对称性之研究
TJ TCM.23(2) : 1-14, 2020
Preferential Direction and Symmetry of Electric Conduction and Dielectric
Polarization of Human Meridians   
1 佛光大学文化资产与创意学系所,宜兰,台湾
方法:选取62 名受测者,随机分成两组,A 组30 位(14 名男性和16 名女性),平均年龄为28.6±9.7。B 组32 位(男性15 名女性17 名),平均年龄为26.9±8.6。1.5V 直流电压由个人电脑调控输出,量测仪器与电脑连线,通路14 秒内撷取640 个电压值读数直接输入电脑转换为电流,撷取电流峰值(导电度)与计算百分比落差(极化度);对称组有左右外关穴与左右大陵穴,非对称组为左天井穴右外关穴、左大陵穴右孔最穴、右大陵穴左孔最穴,统计方法为Paired t Test 以及One-way repeat measure ANOVA test。
Wan-An Lu1*
1Institute of Cultural Assets and Reinvention, Fo Guang University, Ilan, Taiwan
Objectives: Studies have shown that meridians have better conductivity and higher propagate of electromagnetic wave. The conductivity can be represented by the peak value of current, and the propagate of electromagnetic wave can be described by polarization. Bilaterally opposite, symmetric acupunctures along he meridians or branching meridians are two analgesic methods commonly used in acupuncture. The purpose of this study was to detect whether there was an electrical difference between the bilateral symmetric acupoints and the asymmetric acupoints, and to analyze the directionality of current.
Methods: 62 subjects were included in this study and then randomly divided into two groups. Group A have 30 subjects (14 males and 16 females) with an average age of 28.6±9.7 and 32 subjects were in group B (15 males and 17 females) with an average age of 26.9±8.6. 1.5V DC voltage is regulated by personal computer, measuring instrument and computer connection, access in 14 seconds, 640 voltage readings are directly input the computer to convert into current, and the current peak (conductivity) is calculated and the percentage change of difference (polarization) is calculated. The symmetry groups were Wai-Kuan (left and right) and Ta-Ling (left and right). The asymmetric group is the left Tien-Ching and the right Wai-Kuan, the left Ta-Ling and the right Kung-Tsui, and the right Ta-Ling and the left Kung-Tsui. The data were analyzed by paired-t test and ANOVA test.
Results: The current flows from the right arm to the left arm with a higher electric conduction and lower dielectric polarization than left to right. Bilaterally symmetric pairs of acupoints have higher electric conduction and lower dielectric polarization than the asymmetric ones. Statistics showed all the significant difference.
Conclusions: These results show that a morphologically symmetric human body is asymmetrical in its conduction and polarization, and bilaterally symmetric acupoints have a better conduction and worse polarization than the asymmetric ones. The better conduction between two points means that they have a better information connection and the worse polarization between two points means that
they have electromagnetic wave propagation quickly.
【Keywords】meridians, conductivity, polarizability, opposing acupuncture