
231.12 更年期妇女骨关节病变与独活寄生汤之探讨
TJ TCM.23(1) : 147-162, 2020
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202003_23(1).0012
Study on Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang for Menopausal Women with Osteodystrophy
洪和晴1 黄轩1 林幼淳2 张颖宜3,4 罗纶谦1,2*
1 中国医药大学中医学系,台中,台湾
2 中国医药大学附设医院中医部,台中,台湾
3 中国医药大学医学系,台中,台湾
4 中国医药大学附设医院妇产部,台中,台湾
全世界目前估计有10 亿妇女正在经历更年期(menopause),而这群女性深受更年期症候群困扰,包括热潮红、盗汗、冒冷汗和心悸,失眠、情绪低落、疲劳,以及泌尿生殖系统症状,如阴道乾燥,性欲下降,并且还有关节痛等骨性疾病。更年期妇女最常见骨性病变(osteodystrophy)包含了退化性关节炎(Osteoarthritis)与原发性停经型骨质疏松(primarypostmenopausal osteoporosis)。而骨性病变更是困扰年长女性之重大问题,包含关节疼痛影响行为能力、骨质疏松所造成易发性骨折,然而西医治疗更年期骨性病变有其局限性,藉由寻找适合治疗更年期女性骨性病变之中医用药,期望除了提供有效治疗,也减少病人副作用与医疗经费的耗用。从分析健保资料库发现独活寄生汤为处理骨性病变常用首要的中医方剂,而透过文献研究,认为独活寄生汤能有效处理更年期妇女骨性病变。本研究拟透过归纳临床试验之实证、文献典籍的回顾,整理本方对於骨性问题之改善,并透过基础实验探讨其运作机转,进一步了解独活寄生汤如何协助改善更年期妇女之骨性病变。以此模式推广更多中医药安全、便利,具有临床效用的方剂,以造福民众。
Ho-Ching Hung1Hsuan Huang1Yu-Chun Lin2Yin-Yi Chang3,4Lun-Chien Lo1,2*
1School of Chinese medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
3School of medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
4Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
An estimated 1 billion women worldwide are currently experiencing menopause, and this group of women is suffering from menopausal symptoms,including hot flashes, night sweats, cold sweats, and palpitations, insomnia,depressed mood, fatigue, and urogenital symptoms such as vaginal desiccation,decreased libido, and bone diseases such as joint pain. Osteodystrophy is the most common bone lesions in menopausal women include degenerative arthritis and primary menopausal osteoporosis. Osteodystrophy is a major problem that plagues older women, including joint pain affecting behavioral capacity and susceptible fractures caused by osteoporosis. However, western medicine has limitations in treating menopausal osteopathy. It is expected that in addition to providing effective treatment, medical drugs in the disease will also reduce the consumption of side effects and medical expenses. From the analysis of the health insurance database, it was found that Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (DHJST) is the most common prescription for treating bone lesions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
According to literature research, DHJST can effectively treat bone lesions of menopausal women. This study intends to summarize the improvement of bone problems by summarizing the evidence of clinical trials and literature classics,and to explore its operational mechanism through basic experiments to further understand how DHJST can help to improve the bone lesions of menopausal women. Hoping to promote more safe, convenient, and clinically effective TCM prescriptions in this mode to benefit the people.
Keywords menopause, osteodystrophy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (DHJST)