
231.11 马偕医院与台湾早期的中医防疫
TJ TCM.23(1) : 137-146, 2020
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202003_23(1).0011
MacKay Memorial Hospital and Chinese
Medications in Prevention of Pestilence in Early Taiwan
张絜闵1 周慧雯1 陈光伟1*
1 马偕纪念医院中医部,台北,台湾
Chieh-Min Chang1Hui-Wen Chou1Kuan-Wei Chen1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine of MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Taiwan’s climate is hot and humid. In the past, there were few attention was paid to hygiene. The colonists often died of plague, rather than died during the conquest of the inhabitants. In addition to original witch doctor and traditional medicine, western missionaries brought advanced medical care. During Japanese colonial period, the government office of Taiwan was committed to the prevention and treatment of acute infectious diseases such as plague, cholera and malaria.They also began to promote various health systems and cultivate medical personnel. Due to the improvement of the medical environment, the population of Taiwan had increased significantly.
MacKay Memorial Hospital is one of the large-scale medical centers in Taiwan. In 2016, the TCM clinic was opened to provide medical services in which Chinese and Western medicines united. The connection between MacKay Hospital and Chinese medicine besides Dr. MacKay’s point of view of treating malaria with “sweating method”. During the cholera epidemic in Japanese colonial period,many Chinese doctors were invited to make decoctions in MacKay Hospital.The patients who have taken traditional Chinese medicine immediately have the opportunity to recover soon.
Although the Japanese medical administration suppressed the traditional Chinese medicine, there were still outstanding leaders among the traditional Chinese medicine physicians. For example, Dr. Huang Yu-jie. It also made the Governor’s Office in Taiwan to change the impression of traditional Chinese medicine. The above records were important in the history of medical development in Taiwan.
Keywords Dr. MacKay, cholera, malaria, Dr. HUANG Yu-Jie, pestilence