
222.3 病历回溯探讨艾灸至阴穴对胎位不正的疗效
TJ TCM.22(2) : 25-30, 2019
Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin in Treating Fetal Malposition
曾伦娜1 吴佩青2 林志宇2 刘东桓3*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台北慈济医院妇产科,新北,台湾
2 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台北慈济医院中医部,新北,台湾
3 新光医疗财团法人新光吴火狮纪念医院复健科,台北,台湾
方法:回溯型病历对照研究,收集2011 年至2014 年08 月在台北慈济医院里来院产检之胎位不正孕妇,筛选出符合本研究条件的病患加以分析研究。其中,有接受中医艾灸治疗之病患作为实验组,仅接受膝胸卧式卫教者作为对照组。
结果:共收集有对照组135 位个案与实验组20 位个案。经无母数检定方法(Mann-Whitney U 检定)及罗吉斯回归分析(Logistic regression) 统计分析後,统计结果显示艾灸治疗转胎成功相对於膝胸卧式治疗的胜算比(odds ratio)为9.633 倍,故艾灸治疗相较膝胸卧式治疗更容易转胎成功(P<0.01)。
Lunna Saing1 Pei-Ching Wu2 Chih Yu Lin2 Dung-Huan Liu3*
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi
Medical Foundation, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, New Taipei City, Taiwan
3Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial
Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan
Reviewing the data of pregnant women with fetal malposition in Taipei Tzu-Chi hospital from 2011 to Aug. 2014 and they also underwent “Hands and Knees Posture” or “Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin” treatment. We found that 135 pregnant women underwent “Hands and Knees Posture” and 20 pregnant women underwent “Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin” for treating fetal malposition. Through Mann-Whitney U test and Logistic regression analysis, the results show that the odds ratio of success rate of correcting fetal malposition (“Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin” compared to “Hands and Knees Posture”) is 9.633 times. In conclusion, compared with the “Hands and Knees Posture” treatment, the Moxibustion Stimulation at Zhiyin” may be a better, more simple and safe
treatment in treating fetal malposition (p<0.01).
【Keywords】fetal malposition, moxibustion, Zhiyin (BL-67)