
221.17 以治疗胆管癌患者吞咽困难合并食欲不振案例体现金匮要略之肝脾病理关系 -吞咽困难合并食欲不振治疗概念之探讨
TJ TCM.22(1) : 177-186, 2019
A Case Report of Interpret Liver-Spleen Pathologic Relationship in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber by Treating Dysphagia of a Patient with Cholangiocarcinoma
李欣桦1 陈晓瑱1 廖厚勋1*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人大林慈济医院中医部,嘉义,台湾
Hsin-Hua Li1 Hsiao-Tien Chen1 Hou-Hsun Liao1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
The case of the report had difficulty to swallow and gradually lost appetite after the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma, and admission because of these reasons three months before the Chinese medication. After analyzing and diagnosing by the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, we found out that the causes of the discomforts were compression of the tumor and depression. Dysphagia is recorded as yē gé in Chinese medication. Synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber mentioned that The supreme healer cures the illness that is still obscure, so when liver got sick, treating spleen should be the first order. Although the case was cholangiocarcinoma, according to Chinese medication theory, we make a point on liver’s pathogenesis. The progression of this case was quite match with the liverspleen relationship just mentioned, so we decided how to treat this kind of patient in the view of preventive medicine. Under the Chinese medication, the patient got improved in the dysphagia and appetite, and other digestive system problem such as hiccup and defecation.
Keywordsdysphagia, cholangiocarcinoma, Synopsis of prescriptions of the golden chamber