
212.22 不同教育养成背景之中医师对於中医专科医师训练制度看法与态度之研究
TJ TCM.21(2) : 255-270, 2018
To Analysis the Opinions About the Implementation of TCM Specialist System from Different Training Backgrounds of TCM Physicians
邱诗方1 冯纪新1 伍崇弘1,2 陈建仲1.2*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台中慈济医院,台中,台湾
2 慈济大学学士後中医学系,花莲,台湾
Shih-Fang Chiu1Chi-Hsin Feng1Chung-Hung Wu1,2Jian-jung Chen1,2*
1Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation
2School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan
Taiwan TCM physicians’ medical education and training backgrounds varied which takes account for uneven quality of medical profession and clinical skills. In order to improve medical quality and strengthen TCM clinical skills, the establishment of TCM specialist system is important. The TCM specialist system was established by Ministry of health and welfare since 2003, but not be applied until now due to inadequacy complementary measures and no consensus on the detail of TCM specialist training system. Nowadays the increasing quantity of TCM clinical training place and clinical TCM teachers provides an opportunity to implement the TCM specialist system following by collection of the opinion from different training backgrounds of TCM physicians about the TCM specialist training relevant measures. Our study is conducted by questionnaire surveys among different training backgrounds of TCM physicians. We mailed out 1308 copies of the questionnaires with 151 qualified copies returned, which accounted for a response rate of 13.8%. Our results show most of TCM physicians agree with the TCM specialist training system and programming. The opinions are not influenced by different training backgrounds but significant affected by the TCM physicians’ characteristics including the physician’s positions, divisions and highest academic degree (p0.05). In addition, the content of the TCM specialist training system are approved by most of TCM physician, but some issues of the TCM specialist training system are controversial. In the future the establishment of TCM specialist training system after reaching an agreement about the content of the TCM specialist training system will improve TCM physicians’ medical education and clinical training system.
【Keywords】TCM, specialist, resident doctors, clinical training, medical education