
212.18 中医治疗性早熟病例报告
TJ TCM.21(2) : 207-220, 2018
A Case Report of Precocious Puberty Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine
林婉容2 游荣圣1,2 陈俐2 蔡金川1,2*
1 义守大学学士後中医学系,高雄,台湾
2 义大医院中医部,高雄,台湾
性早熟是常见的小儿内分泌疾病之一,近年来发病率显着增高,且女童发生率较男童高。性早熟定义为女童在八岁前或男童在九岁前开始出现第二性徵发育,或女童月经初潮发生在十岁以前。疾病最终会引起骨骺板提前闭合,造成成年後身高较正常人矮小;且性发育过早,孩童心理尚未成熟,容易引起心理负担,影响身心健康。本病例提出一位西医小儿科诊断为中枢性性早熟(central precocious puberty)的10岁女童,身高和体重皆位於生长曲线图第50-85 百分位,於2015/06/19至中医儿科门诊就诊,主诉胸部隆起已两年,且近三个月胸部快速发育。经中医四诊及服用中药後胸部发育减缓,胸部胀痛、阴部搔痒感及带下等症状皆获得改善,经两年治疗後身高长高16公分,报告如下。
Wan-jung Lin2Jung-sheng Yu1,2Li-wen Chen2Chin-chuan Tsai1,2*
1School of Chinese Medicine for post Baccalaureate, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Precocious puberty, a common pediatric endocrine disease, was defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before age eight in girls and nine in boys, and its prevalence rate has increased significantly in recent years. This case is a ten-year-old girl with breast development for two years, her secondary sexual characteristics developed rapidly in recent three months, including breast enlargement accompanied local pain, and pubic hair growth. Her bone age was about 10-11 years old. After diagnosed with central precocious puberty (Tanner stage II), she was referred to Chinese medicine department for combined treatment. She has taken Chinese medicine for last two years, including Zhi- Bai - Di- Huang- Wan and Chai- Hu- Shu- Gan decoction. After taking Chinese medicine, her breast development subsided, and breast pain alleviated. She has grown 16 centimeters during past two years. The result suggested that traditional Chinese medicine provide good medical care for children with precocious puberty.
【Keywords】precocious puberty, bone age, traditional Chinese medicine, casereport