
212.13 神经源性复视病例报告
TJ TCM.21(2) : 137-150, 2018
Neurologic Diplopia: A Case Report
吴美宜1 戴有志1*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台北慈济医院中医部,台北,台湾
35 岁女高职老师,2010 年诊断第二型糖尿病,无规则药物控制,亦无规则血糖监测。2016 4 28 日晚饭後突然眼睛往左侧观看单一物体时变成两个水平影像,症状持续,隔天甚至出现双手掌双脚掌麻木,接着
两周内出现渐进性双脚无力,甚至往右观看一物体时也出现水平影像。患者分别於2016 4 29 日至中兴医院及2016 5 13 日至荣总医院住院检查,出院诊断为多发性神经病变合并双侧外旋神经麻 r/o AIDP or DM polyneuropathy。使用口服降血糖药物及血浆置换。治疗後下肢力量逐渐恢复且往右复视消失,往左看复视、手脚掌麻仍未减。患者於2016 5 25日至中医门诊求诊,诊断为肝风夹外风之风牵偏视及气虚血滞夹风之痹症,以针灸疏风通络及中药补气活血,清胃热,配合口服血糖药、饮食、运动、体重控制。患者约一个月内持续两个疗程共12 次中医治疗,眼睛往左复视症状已无,双手脚掌已不麻木,血糖得到良好控制。
Mei-yi Wu1Yu-Chih Tai 1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation,Taipei, Taiwan
A 35-year-old female teacher is a case of type 2 DM for 6 years without medical control. April 28th, 2016, she suddenly saw an image becoming two horizontal ones when eyes turning to left and felt dizziness. Next day, the symptom got worse and she even felt numbness on her hands and feet palms. After examination, the diagnosis was left CN6 palsy, related to DM s/p oral antidiabetic drug. But she didn’t get better and gradually felt lower limbs weak. Then she went to a medical center on May 13th, 2016. the discharge diagnosis was Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) s/p plasma exchange. After treatment, even some symptoms improved, she still suffered from diplopia when eyes turning left and peripheral numbness in 4 limbs. So she went to Taipei Tzu Chi hospital to search for Chinese medical help on May 25th, 2016. After Chinese medical four examinations, the main diagnosis was interior liver wind and exterior wind caused diplopia. The second diagnosis was Qi deficiency and blood stasis
caused numbness in 4 limbs. We use acupuncture to expel the wind and also use Chinese medicine to supply Qi, invigorate the blood and rectify her underlying body constitution at the same time. After Chinese treatment in 1 month, symptoms improved a lot. Reviewing the case, we thought the acute neurologically symptoms were closely related to “wind”, and Chinese treatment is effective for
this case.
【Keywords】diplopia, CN6 palsy, Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy(AIDP), wind evil, acupuncture