
212.11 白虎加人叁汤加减合苦叁外洗方治疗汗疱疹病例报告
TJ TCM.21(2) : 115-124, 2018
A Case Report of Pompholyx Treated with Po-Hu Chia-Jen-Tsen-Tang and Bathing Formula
of Sophora Flavescens Aiton
王琦1,2 李盈德1,2 沈炫枢2,3*
1 中国医药大学学士後中医学系,台中,台湾
2 佛教慈济医院财团法人花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
3 慈济大学学士後中医学系,花莲,台湾
本病例为三十四岁女性患者,手脚四肢出现数颗水漾状小泡(约1mm)已五个月,於民国106 7 24 日至本院中医部寻求调理。经中医四诊後,给予白虎加人叁汤加减(频率为3 / 天)与苦叁外洗方(1 / 天),治疗後,患者除了四肢小水泡不再新发,皮肤痒感也明显下降,因国内期刊没有关於使用白虎加人叁汤加减合苦叁外洗方治疗汗疱疹的病例,故提出此病例报告以供临床叁考。
Chi Wang1,2Ying-Te Lee1,2Hsuan-Shu Shen2,3*
1School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi
Medical Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan
3School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan
This is a 34-year-old female who has suffered from pompholyx for more than 5 months. Due to debilitating effects of western medical treatment, she visited our hospital for help on 106/7/24. We prescribed Po-Hu Chia-Jen-Tsen-Tang Powder with frequency of 3 packs a day in combination with the bathing formula of Sophora flavescens Aiton with 1 times a day after inspection, auscultation,olfaction, inquiry and palpation based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. After taking Chinese herbal medicine in combination with bathing formula, vesicles in her limbs disappeared and the symptoms of itch improved.There is no case report about treating pompholyx disease with Po-Hu Chia-Jen-Tsen-Tang Powder in combination with the bathing formula of Sophora flavescens Aiton, so we presented this case for clinical reference.
【Keywords】pompholyx, Po-Hu Chia-Jen-Tsen-Tang, Sophora flavescens Aiton,
Chinese herbal medicine