
211.20 中医治疗巴金森氏病病例报告
TJ TCM.21(1) : 247-254, 2018 247
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease Patient
吴静欣1 周宗翰1,2 陈美如1 林舜谷1*
1 台北市立联合医院仁爱区中医科,台北,台湾
2 翰鸣堂中医诊所,台北,台湾
Ching-Hsin Wu1 Zong-Han Zhou1,2 Mei-Ru Chen1 Shun-Ku Lin1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Ren-Ai Branch . Department of
Health, Taipei City Government, Taipei, Taiwan
2Han-Ming Tang Medicine Clinics, Taipei, Taiwan
Parkinson’s disease is a common degenerative brain disease in Taiwan that causes uncontrolled physical tremors, slow movement, stiffness, and gait instability. Patients often suffer from loss of autonomy and pessimistic prognosis for disease, Leading to severe depression. The case of the case to calm the liver qi, sedative qi and soothe the nerves combined with Qi and spleen, liver qi stagnation treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease cases. After treatment, the appetite, mood and physical weakness improved significantly; The presented case could be a reference for clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Keywords Parkinsons Disease, Traditional Chinese medicine, course the liver and resolve depression, Yi-Gan San