
211.18 老年性耳鸣的中医治疗病案
TJ TCM.21(1) : 229-238, 2018
A Case of Senile Tinnitus Treated with Chinese Medicine
卢昱竹1 林经伟1,2*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
2 佛教慈济大学学士後中医学系,花莲,台湾
耳鸣为中老年人常见的病症,发生原因复杂,西方医学尚无有效治疗的方式。本病例是一位69 岁男性,左耳出现间断性的高频「嗡嗡」耳鸣声近一个月,并伴有左耳听力减退,疲累或安静时左耳鸣声明显,并且会影响睡眠。推测其病机为年老体衰,肾精亏虚,使得耳部气血循环失衡,无法供养清窍,故治以济生肾气丸合并益气聪明汤来补肾益精、升阳通窍。病患於初诊两周後复诊时表示左耳鸣程度有明显减缓,其生活品质亦有改善。密集服用中药三个月後耳鸣症状趋缓,发作频率减少,且停药後无立即复发。初次疗程结束两年内只发作两次,施以前方药治疗後可改善。
Yu-Chu Lu1 Ching-Wei Lin1,2*
1Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan
2Tzu Chi University School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Hualien, Taiwan
Tinnitus is a common condition in the elderly. Its etiology is complex and there is no effective therapy. This case is a male, aged 69, afflicted with tinnitus for nearly a month. His chief complain is intermittent high pitch “hum” sound in his left ear accompanied by a slightly hearing loss. The symptoms are usually triggered by fatigue and exaggerated in quiet settings, thus interfering with his sleep.
Due to his elder-age and deficiency of kidney essence, the qi-blood of his left ear became imbalanced. The main strategies of treatment were to tonify yang to open the orifices, enrich the kidney and replenish yin. We used Jisheng-Shenqi-Wan and Yih-Chih-Tsong-Ming-Tang. Response of the patient to treatment was positive and continuous, symptom of tinnitus were significantly reduced improving patient’s life quality.
Keywordstinnitus, spleen-kidney yang deficiency pattern, Jisheng-Shenqi-Wan, Yih-Chih-Tsong-MingTang