
211.11 胃食道逆流病辨证论治的中医文献探讨
TJ TCM.21(1) : 123-138, 2018
Discussion on TCM Syndrome Differentiation of Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease
黄胜崴1 颜家孜1 林立伟1 吴龙源1,2*
1 义守大学学士後中医学系,高雄市,台湾
2 吴龙源中医诊所,台北市,台湾
结论:根据中国医学期刊网相关文献整理,可将胃食道逆流病的中医辨证分型与治疗概分为(1) 肝胃不和型:疏肝理气、和胃降逆(柴胡疏肝散合半夏泻心汤)、(2) 肝胃郁热型:疏肝泄热、和胃降逆(柴胡疏肝散合左金丸)、(3) 痰湿内阻型:温中化湿、和胃降逆(茯苓桂枝白术甘草汤);清热化湿、和胃降逆(栀子厚朴汤)、(4) 脾胃虚寒型:温中益气、和胃降逆(黄耆建中汤)、(5) 气虚血瘀型:益气养阴、化瘀散结(六君子汤合丹叁、川七、郁金)等,其对应证型药方应用可供临床医师诊断处方用药叁考,有关其药理作用机转仍盼望於往後进一步的探讨。
Sheng-Wei Huang1 Chia-Tzu Yen1 Li-Wei Lin1 Lung-Yuan Wu1,2*
1The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate of I-Shou University, Kaohsiung,Taiwan
2WU,LUNG-YUAN Tradition Chinese Medicine Clinic.Taipei, Taiwan
Aim: This study was mainly discussed the dialectical classification and prescriptions of gastroesophageal reflux disease under the view of traditional Chinese medicines.
Method: This study was collected the literatures related to gastroesophageal reflux disease in the Chinese Medical Journal Network and the fivteen-year database to analysis the symptoms, pathogenesis, dialectical type, prescriptionmethods.
Results: From the literature study found that TCM syndrome frequency of gastroesophageal reflux disease from high to low followed by liver and stomach heat syndrome type, Liver-stomach disharmony type, deficiency and qi stagnation syndrome type, phlegm obstruction due to qi stagnation type, and static blood blocking collaterals syndrome type. The liver and stomach heat syndrome type is the major type in GERD.
Conclusion: According to the relevant literatures of Chinese medical journals, the dialectical classification and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease can be summarized as (1) liver and stomach heat Stagnation type: dispersing stagnated liver and purging heat , regulating stomach for lowering adverse qi (Chaihu Shugan scattered left gold pills) (2) disharmony between liver and stomach type: dispersing stagnated liver for promoting qi, regulating stomach forlowering adverse qi (Chaihu Shugan San, (3) accumulation of phlegm-wetness in the body type: removing dampness for regulating stomach, and regulating stomach for lowering adverse qi (Ling-Guey-Jwu-Gan-Tang), clearing away heat and eliminating dampeness, regulating stomach for lowering adverse qi (Zhi- Zi-Hou-Pu-Tang) (4) deficient cold of spleen and stomach type: warm in the stomach for promoting qi, regulating stomach for lowering adverse qi (Huangqi built in the soup), (5) qi deficiency and blood stasis type: supplementing qi and nourishing yin, removing blood stasis and resolving static blood (Liu Junzi Tang and Danshen, Sichuan seven, turmeric). The types of diagnosis and the corresponding prescription could be the prescription reference for clinicians. The pharmacological mechanisms of the prescriptions are still looking forward to further study.
KeywordsBladder meridian, Bladder channel, Hua Tuo’s Paravertebral Points, Hua Tuo Jia Ji, Huang-Fu Mi, The Systematized Canon of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing, Ge Hong