
211.10 经络图与经穴图之研究─以膀胱经为例
TJ TCM.21(1) : 111-122, 2018
The Study of Acupoint and Meridian Maps Based on Bladder Meridian
陈必诚1* 黄廷宇1
1 中国医药大学学士後中医系,台中,台湾
经络与穴道是中医界的瑰宝之ㄧ,在经众人的努力之下,世界卫生组织(WHO) 2006 年订定出ㄧ套世界通用的经络穴道标准,这些成果也都反应在当今许多的教科书上,提供了後学在经络与穴道学习上的明确教材,然而当今常见的,以穴道连线所绘制出的图像—经穴图,其实并非等同古人所描述的经络的完整样貌(经络图),因此我们尝试针对足太阳膀胱经提出讨论,透过以下两点问题的探讨来点出目前的模型可以增进之处:其ㄧ:膀胱经位於背後的循行是否只有两条支脉?其二:膀胱经於大腿後侧是否有交叉?我们透过《黄帝内经》、皇甫谧所着的《针灸甲乙经》与葛洪所着的《肘後备急方》配合近代针刺诱发感传实验与解剖学上的讨论发现:足太阳膀胱经位於背部的循行应该是三条分支,我们分别称为内侧、中间与外侧支,其中中间支与外侧支即为当前熟知的距督脉1.5 3 寸的分支,而内侧支则距督脉0.5 寸,与目前编列为经外奇穴的华佗夹脊穴与正经穴道四穴有关;另外,也发现足太阳膀胱经在大腿後侧实际上并无交叉,而图示上的交叉仅是穴道依照编号连线所产生的假象。
Bih-Cheng Chen1* Ting-Yu Huang1
1School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
The meridians and acupuncture points are one of the invaluable treasures in Traditional Chinese Medicine. With collaborative efforts, the World Health Organization (WHO) had stipulated a standardized system of meridians and acupuncture points that can be used universally since 2006. These achievements are also being reflected in the current textbooks which have provided explicit teaching materials of the meridians and acupuncture points for the new learners. However, the present Meridian-acupoint diagrams which are plotted using lines connecting the acupuncture points, are in fact not the complete Map of Meridian Pathways explained by the ancients. Hence in this paper, we proposed a discussion on the Foot Bladder meridian pathway so as to improve the current model through the following 2 questions: 1. Are there only 2 branches of pathway at the back of the body where the Bladder meridian descends? 2. Is there any intersection of Bladder meridian at the posterior aspect of the thigh? Through the classical literatures of The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon (Huang Di Nei Jing),The Systematized Canon of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing)written by Huang-Fu Mi and The Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency (Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang) written by Ge Hong, as well as the modern studies of acupuncture-induced sensation transmission and anatomical discussions, we discover that there should be 3 branches of pathway at the back of the body where the Foot Bladder meridian descends. We have named them separately as the medial branch, the middle branch and the lateral branch. The middle and lateral branches are currently well-known as the branches that are 1.5 cun and 3 cun lateral to the Governing Vessel on the midline respectively. The medial branch, which is 0.5 cun lateral to the Governing Vessel, is related to the Hua Tuo’s Paravertebral Points (Hua Tuo Jia Ji) that are classified under the Extraordinary Vessels and the Four Liao Points (four sacral foramina) that are classified under the Primary Meridians. In addition, we have also discovered that there is no actual intersection of the Foot Bladder meridian at the posterior aspect of the thigh. The intersection on the diagram is an illusion created due to the sequential connection of the acupuncture point numbers.
KeywordsBladder meridian, Bladder channel, Hua Tuo’s Paravertebral Points, Hua Tuo Jia Ji, Huang-Fu Mi, The Systematized Canon of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing, Ge Hong