
97.08 中医治疗痔疮病例报告
A Case Report of Hemorrhoids Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine
邱郁婷 叶家豪*
痔疮是现代的常见疾病之一,严重时会影响病患的生活品质。本病例即为一位48 岁男性病患,因工作长期久坐且饮食习惯不良产生排便出血,曾做过内痔结扎手术後,最近又痔疮再犯出现肛门痛而且排便出血就医,初诊处方以乙字汤、槐花散为主,随证加减玄叁、贝母、牡蛎,并加上适当的卫教。患者於第2 次回诊表示服药2-3 天後解便已无肛门疼痛且排便没有出血。整个治疗过程前後共5 次门诊,病患痔疮问题即获得显着的改善,因此提出此一临床病例供临床同道叁考。
Yu-Ting ChiouChia-Hao Yeh*
Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Yang-ming Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
they are severe, they can affect the quality of life of patients. The predisposing factors are common in sedentary, eating habits, and constipation(1). With the increase of age, the incidence gradually increases, especially the middle-aged and older people who are over 40 years old are high-incidence groups. This case is a 48-year-old patient who has had defecation and bleeding due to long-term sedentary work and poor eating habits. The prescription is based on Yizitang, plus and minus Xuanshen, Fritillaria, and oysters, plus appropriate health education.The patient had no symptom after one month of regular Chinese-medicine taking.
【Keywords】Stool bleeding, hemorrhoids, Yizitang, warm water bath, Traditional Chinese medicine