
95.1 ICD-11 的台湾中医蓝海国际发展策略
ICD-11 的台湾中医蓝海国际发展策略
ICD-11 on Taiwan Traditional Medicine Blue Ocean International Development Strategy
林恭仪* 郑宏足 黄建荣
国际疾病分类自二次世界大战後改版至今已将近11 个版本,ICD-11 即将於2022 年公告实施,ICDTM 的中医传统诊断代码已经跃然国际学术舞台,我国卫生福利政策应加强对中医药国际交流的接轨,并做好中医健保政策与国际医疗蓝海的战略规划,以健全国内与全球公卫健康的竞争发展。
Kung Yi Lin* Hong Zu Zheng Jian Rong Huang
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taipei Medical Univesity Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
The international disease classification has been revised since the World War II. Nearly 11 versions have been published. And ICD-11 will be announced in 2022. The traditional diagnostic code for Chinese medicine in ICDTM has already become an international academic stage. Taiwan health welfare policy should strengthen international exchange of Traditional medicine. The integration of the TCM health insurance policy and the international medical blue ocean strategic should be well planned in order to improve the healthy development of domestic and global public health of Taiwan.
【Keywords】 ICD-11, traditional medicine, health policy