
25S.10 太阳病桂枝汤青龙汤治疗武汉肺炎病例报告

 TJ TCM.25(S) : 71-80, 2022 

The Taiyang Disease Guizhi Decoction and Qinglong Decoction for Therapy of
COVID-19 Taiwanese in USA
徐碧韩1 胡瑞涵1 Alexander T. H. Wu2,3,4,5 林恭仪1*
1 颂赞中医诊所,台北,台湾
2The PhD Program of Translational Medicine, College of Medical Science and Technology,
Taipei Medical University
3Clinical Research Center, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei Medical University
4TMU Research Center of Cancer Translational Medicine, Taipei Medical University
5Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center
美国加州侨民姊妹在不明传染源下,发生家庭群聚感染武汉肺炎,病情不明朗下,求助台湾中医远距医疗,个案皆经由鼻咽拭子采样RT-PCR 检验确认,症状出现咳嗽、焦虑、嗅觉丧失等病症,藉由详细伤寒六经辨证後,符合太阳病大青龙证与桂枝汤证,分别紧急药材快递邮寄海外紧急服用14天,除了症状缓解外,依照美国CDC 规范再次采检,RT-PCR 报告呈现阴性结果,病毒无验出。为古典经方有效缓解SARS-COV-2 病毒感染造成的呼吸道缓解、嗅觉症状恢复的营卫免疫调节功能,避免病情恶化,再添一现代医学证据。传统伤寒古方藉由远端援助,虽然有脉诊无法取得等限制,但台湾中医远距医疗模型,不失为武肺全球大流行期间一种安全有效的公卫与医疗结合防疫策略。
Bi-Han Xu1Rui-Han Hu1Alexander T. H. Wu2,3,4,5Justin Kung Yi Lin1*
1Singing Praises TCM Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
2The PhD Program of Translational Medicine, College of Medical Science and Technology,
Taipei Medical University
3Clinical Research Center, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei Medical University
4TMU Research Center of Cancer Translational Medicine, Taipei Medical University
5Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center
In these cases, we reported two Taiwan expatriates in the California, USA, infected with COVID-19 of family type of community outbreak. They sought emergency help from Taipei traditional telemedicine and both confirmed by RTPCR test of nasopharyngeal swab sampling. The patients were classified to the six meridians of the Shanghan Lun as matched with the patterns of Taiqinglong tang and Guizhi tang in Taiyang disease by cough, anxiety, and anosmia. After 14 days treatment, their suffer were relief and proven by reexamination of the RTPCR report. The traditional ancient prescriptions showed certain medical evidence by regulation of immune system although medical data was so limited. Further, the raw model of traditional telemedicine technology is a safe and effective for COVID-19 pandemic in public health and medical care.
【Keywords】Shanghan Lun; Gui Zhi Decoction; Da Qing Long Decoction; 2019-nCoV; COVID-19; anosmia; immune regulation