
242.8 疑似脑脊髓液渗漏之颅内低压中医诊治
TJ TCM.24(2) : 93-104, 2021
Diagnosis and Treatment of Intracranial
Hypotension with Suspected Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage
梁雅淳1 陈相如1*
1 财团法人佛教慈济综合医院台中分院中医部,台中,台湾
自发性颅内低压头痛(spontaneous intracranial hypotension, SIH)是无侵入性治疗却由於颅内压下降所致姿态性头痛。脑脊髓液流失可导致脑压降低,因脑部结构向下牵引而产生持续性全头弥漫性疼痛或钝痛。西医目前治疗多采用为硬脑膜上血液贴片(epidural blood patch),但其治疗仍可能有少数头痛後遗症。本案车祸飞跃後直接撞击後枕及颈背部,气机循环阻滞,经脉气机运行不利所致SIH 典型症状如姿态性头钝痛、颈部僵硬、单侧流鼻水、耳鸣等现象,本文以中医伤科筋膜诊治思维进行针刺治疗,并搭配传统中医理论,认为督脉、膀胱经、小肠经气滞血瘀、经气不利,由於厨师工作肌肉张力不平均及车祸後恐惧难眠牵连三焦经、胆经筋膜紊乱,合并肾精气不足出现频尿、语言及记忆迟钝,故以理气活血,养血梳理经脉运行,补益肾气填精为治疗原则,改善语言及记忆迟钝,搭配针刺松解阔背肌、前额及头部筋膜以促进眼周及脑脊髓液的循环,改善颅内低压枕部姿态性头部钝痛、颈部僵硬、胸闷、复视、耳鸣等问题,并卫教三角肌、棘上肌、上斜方肌之肌肉训练以防止颈部筋膜被拉扯影响局部血液循环及硬脑膜修复。
Ya-Chun Liang1Hsiang-Ju Chen1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Tzu-chi General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) headache is a postural headache caused by a decrease in intracranial pressure without invasive treatment. Loss of cerebrospinal fluid can lead to lower cerebral pressure. Due to the traction of the brain structure, it produces persistent diffuse or dull pain in the whole head. The treatment of western medicine is epidural blood patch currently, but its treatment may still have a few headache sequelae. In this case, after the car accident, the direct impact on the occipital and the back of the neck, the circulation of the qi movement is inhibited, and the typical symptoms of SIH caused by the poor circulation of the qi movement of the meridian, such as postural headache, neck stiffness, unilateral runny nose, tinnitus, etc. In this paper, the acupuncture treatment is based on the thinking of diagnosis and treatment of fascia in the department of traumatology. Under TCM theory, qi stagnation and blood stasis at governor meridian, bladder meridian, small intestine meridian was diagnosed. Heavy work loading of chef also caused uneven muscle tension on this patient, and sleep disturbance also appeared due to terrified by car accident while comes along with fascia disorders of the triple jiao meridian and gall bladder meridian. Insufficient kidney essence and qi leads to frequent urination, slow speech speed and poor memory function. So the treatment principle is to regulate qi and promote blood circulation, nourish blood, regulate the movement of meridians, and replenish kidney qi and fill essence to improve language and memory function. With acupuncture to loosen the latissimus muscles, forehead and head fascia to promote the circulation of eye and cerebrospinal fluid, and improve the dull head pain, neck stiffness, chest tightness, diplopia, tinnitus caused by intracranial low pressure. Muscle training was taught to this patient, including deltoid muscle, supraspinatus muscle, and upper trapezius muscle to prevent the neck fascia from being pulled and affecting local blood circulation and dural repair, which restore fascia tension and improve blood circulation in the brain.
【Keywords】Intracranial Hypotension headache; Postural Headache; Neck Stiffness; Tinnitus; Traditional Chinese Medicine