
233.5 以社群媒体提升中医失智症健康识能研究
TJ TCM.23(3) : 65-74,2020
Using Social Network Software to Improve Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Literacy-
The Prospective Observation Research 
1 台北市立联合医院仁爱区中医科,台北,台湾
2 中国医药大学中医学系,台湾
3 国立阳明大学公共卫生研究所,台湾
4 台北市立大学,台北,台湾
前言:健康识能是获得、了解、判读及应用健康资讯的能力,也是想要拥有健康生活的现代人必备技能。特别是在资讯爆炸的现代社会,如何推广正确的健康知识,并且让患者有理解学习的能力益发重要。本研究的目的为研究如何透过社群媒体如Facebook、Blogger 等方法,并针对代表受众作问卷访谈,以了解推广成效。
方法:本研究分为两阶段进行,在第一阶段由五人组成的焦点小组进行文献回顾,制定初始的中医失智症卫教图文,并於Facebook 粉丝专页以及Blogger 中分享,并分析图文传播的量化结果。在第二阶段中,我们总共招募了42 位失智症主要照护者,进行问卷访谈,以了解卫教图文对於中医知识和照护技巧的健康识能推广成效。
结果:本研究共制作并分享了13 篇中医失智相关的照护图文,於2019 年年共累积了45294 次触及人数、30357 次互动次数,以及2769 分享次数。对部落格年龄阶层的分析发现,主要受众为青壮年(25-45 岁)以及女性(61.1%)较多。阅览媒介以手机(74.1%)最多。後续问卷访谈发现大部分照护者对於图文知识分享抱持正向的意见,以五点式评估资讯有用程度,平均得分为4.6 分。
Hsu-Tung Hsieh1Pin-Hsuan Wang1,2Ming-Jen Wang1Chia-Lin Lin1
Andy Chern1Shun-Ku Lin1,3,4*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Ren-Ai Branch. Department of
Health, Taipei, Taiwan
2School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan
3Institute of Public Health, National Yang-ming University, Taiwan
4University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Introduction: Health literacy is the ability to obtain, understand, interpret, and
apply health information. It is crucial to promote the right knowledge of health and the ability to understand and learn. The purpose of this research is to study using social network software to improve traditional Chinese medicine health literacy. We used questionnaire interviews to clarify results.
Methods: This study conducted in two stages. In the first stage, a five-person focus group reviewed the literature, developed initial TCM dementia pictures, and shared them on Facebook fan pages and Blogger. In the second phase, we recruited a total of 42 major caregivers of dementia and conducted questionnaire interviews to understand the effectiveness of health education literacy in promoting TCM health literacy.
Results: This study produced and shared 13 pieces of information related to TCM dementia. In 2019, a total of 45,294 contacts, 30,357 interactions, and 2,769 shares were accumulated. The analysis of the age group of the blog found that the primary audiences were young adults (25-45) and females (61.1%). Most of the reading devices were mobile phones (74.1%). Questionnaire interviews found that most caregivers have a favorable opinion on the sharing of graphic and textual knowledge. The five-point assessment of the usefulness of information has an average score of 4.6.Conclusion: This study is the first to conduct quantitative research on TCM health consciousness by using online sharing and questionnaire interviews. We have found that online graphic promotion is an effective health promotion method for clinical TCM practitioners.
【Keywords】Health Literacy; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Best Social Networking Software; Dementia