
233.1 男性不孕症方药规律之研究-以傅青主男科为例
TJ TCM.23(3) : 1-16, 2020
Study of Frequency of Chinese Medicine Prescription for Male Infertility-Mainly by Fu
Qingzhu’s Medical Department for Men 
黄彦融1 陈姿均1 林立伟1 吴龙源1,2*
1 义守大学学士後中医系,高雄,台湾
2 吴龙源中医诊所,台北,台湾
材料:本研究以《傅青主男科· 卷上》和《傅青主男科· 卷下》为主探讨其对於男性不孕症的用药规律及用药频率。
方法:本文收集《傅青主男科· 卷上》和《傅青主男科· 卷下》中所有内服方药,将所用中药输入Excel 表格,进行频数频率统计,针对药物功效、归经的分布进行统计分析。
结果:共81 味中药,总频数为450 次;男性不孕症主要病机为肾虚、肝郁、血虚、血瘀、痰湿,因此用药规律上虚证与实证用药频率依据临床症候有所差别。其中使用频数超过13 次的药物功效主要是利水渗湿药、补虚药、温裏药、收涩药。超过用药频次13 次的前十二味药物中,入肾经的药物占七味。
Yen-Jung Huang1Tzu-Chun Chen1Li-Wei Lin1Lung-Yuan Wu1,2*   
1The School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate of I-Shou University,Kaohsiung,Taiwan
2Wu, Lung-Yuan Tradition Chinese Medicine Clinic. Taipei, Taiwan
Objective: To explore the characteristics of formulas used to treat male infertility in Fu Qingzhu’s Medical Department for Men and to analysis it. Also connect to modern Chinese medicine view in the male infertility.
Material: In our study, we mainly used Fu Qingzhu’s Medical Department for Men to discuss the medication rules and frequency of male infertility.
Method: All prescription medication for male infertility were used for statistical analysis, including the frequency , the function and the classification of it.
Results: There are 81 Chinese medicine used in Fu Qingzhu’s Medical Department for Men. All of them were used up to 450 times. The pathogens of male infertility were due to kidney deficiency, liver stagnation, blood deficiency, blood stasis, and phlegm in Chinese medicine view. Above them, the Chinese medicine which were used more than 13 times is mainly for diuresis, dampness, warmth, and astringent medicine. Among them, which were used more than 13 times, are classified in kidney in Chinese medicine’s view.
Conclusion: The study found that the treatment in Fu Qingzhu’s Medical Department for Men of male infertility is mainly based on spleen and kidney. At the same time, he used heat-clearing, phlegm-removing, damp-relieving, liverdrenching, and blood-conditioning drugs to achieve the balance. We hope this article will be helpful for clinical TCM in treating male infertility. As for its pharmacological action mechanism, it still needs to be further explored in the future.
【Keywords】Fu Qingzhu; Male Infertility; Decoetions and Herbs; Frequency of Prescription