
231.8 《灵枢· 海论》对於脑中风治疗之启发:理论与临床应用


TJ TCM.23(1) : 93-106, 2020
DOI : 10.6516/TJTCM.202003_23(1).0008
《灵枢· 海论》对於脑中风治疗之启发:理论与临床应用
The Inspiration of Stroke Treatment from Spiritual Pivot Hai-lun: Theory and Clinical
龚彦纶1 何宗融1,2,3 陈怡真1,3,4*
1 佛教慈济医院财团法人花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
2 佛教慈济医院财团法人花莲慈济医院中西医合疗中心,花莲,台湾
3 慈济大学学士後中医学系,花莲,台湾
4 国立东华大学教育与潜能开发学系教育博士班,花莲,台湾
Yen-Lun Kung1Tsung-Jung Ho1,2,3Yi-Chen Chen1,3,4*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi
Medical Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan
2Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Center, Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital,
Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Hualien, Taiwan
3School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan
4Ph.D. Program of Education, Department of Education and Human Potentials Development,
National Dong-Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan
Four seas theory in Spiritual Pivot Hai-lun demonstrates the acupoints which qi and blood in four seas transfer through, the related symptoms when disharmony among four seas has occurred, and the methods to regulate such imbalance. Furthermore, the theory emphasizes that qi and blood in four seas communicate with, coordinate with, and complement each other. Stroke is a significant disease treated with both Chinese and western medicine often in Taiwan. Patients suffering from stroke may get great benefits from the combination of the two medications. According to TCM theory, stroke is a disease located in brain, an extraordinary fu-organ. However, there is no “brain meridian” in the meridian system. Instead,urinary bladder meridian, du vessel, and stomach meridian are relevant to brain most according to Huangdi Neijing. Moreover, acupoints where qi and blood in four seas deliver to body surface are of these three channels. Therefore, this study concludes that four sea theory plays a critical role in treating stroke and accompanied sequelae.
Keywordsstroke, Spiritual Pivot Hai-lun, acupoints of four seas, acupuncture