
202.5 某医院中药药物不良反应研究及探讨
Research and Discussion on Adverse Drug Reaction of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hospital
张伶祝1 梁雅惠2 许中华3*
1 台北市立联合医院中兴院区药剂科,台北,台湾
2 台北市立联合医院林森中医昆明院区药剂科,台北,台湾
3 台北市立联合医院林森中医院区,台北,台湾
1998 年「全国药物不良反应通报系统计画」设置药物不良反应通报中心,并於2001 年独立建置「中草药不良反应线上通报系统」,2014 年12月起中药和西药的不良反应通报整合在同一个网页,更便通报者上网通报。本研究以某中医院2010 年至2016 年9 月做为取样区间,收集院内通报至药剂科之药物不良反应通报案件(40 件)进行分析,通报案件经Naranjo 评估表确认关联性後,属於“可能”的案例最多占21 件(52.5%);发生部位以皮肤最为常见;依严重度区分本院的案例皆为轻度,目前为止没有任何重度或死亡的通报案例。病人後续的处理方式皆以「只停药」并观察为主。对於处方中药治疗病人的过程中,产生不预期的症状,都归类为潜在的中药不良反应,并且就应该通报的观念及教育,仍然相对薄弱。因此,只有不多的中医师充分明了不良反应的意义,并且进行通报,所以多年来全国的中药不良反应通报的案件累积仍太少。希望藉由中药药品不良反应建构模式让医疗人员可以驾轻就熟掌握中药药品不良反应,达到用药安全之目标。
中药、药物不良反应通报、Naranjo algorithm、用药安全
Lin-Chu Chang1 Ya-Hui Liang2 Chung-Hua Hsu3*
1Department of Pharmacy, Zhongxing Branch, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Pharmacy, Linsen Chinese Medicine and Kunming Branch, Taipei City
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
3Department of Chinese Medicine Linsen Branch, Taipei City Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
In 1998, the National Drug Adverse Reaction Bulletin System Program set up a drug adverse reaction notification center, and in 2001 independently established "Chinese herbal medicine adverse reaction line notification system".From December 2014 the traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine adverse reactions to the integration of the same page, more informants of the Internet notification. From 2010 to September 2014, a Chinese medicine hospital as sampling interval, the collection of hospital informed to the Pharmacy Branch of the Drug adverse reaction notification cases (40 cases) were analyzed and informed cases were confirmed by the Naranjo assessment form , the majority of cases that are "likely" are 21 (52.5%); the most common parts of the skin are common; the distinction between the case of the case is mild, so far there is no case of serious or death notification. Patient Follow-up treatment is based on "only withdrawal" and observe the main. For the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of patients in the process, produce unexpected symptoms, are classified as potential adverse reactions to traditional Chinese medicine, and should be informed of the concept and education, is still relatively weak, so only a small number of Chinese medicine practitioners fully understand the significance of adverse reactions, and the notification, so over the years the country’s traditional Chinese medicine adverse reactions reported cases accumulated too few. Hope to borrow by the traditional Chinese medicine adverse drug construction model so that medical staff can easily grasp the traditional Chinese medicine adverse drug reactions, to achieve the goal of drug safety.
Keywords: Traditional Chinese medicine, Adverse drug reactions, Naranjo algorithm, Medication safety