
202.3 青少年之原发性脊椎侧弯中西证治综论
A Literature Review of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with Physical Therapy
and Chinese Traumatologic Treatment
黄蕙棻1,2* 卢禾潾1,2 黄建荣1 柯建新2,3 赖尚志2,4 张恒源2 陈建霖1,2
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人台北慈济医院中医部,台北,台湾
2 慈济大学学士後中医系,花莲,台湾
3 佛教慈济医疗财团法人花莲慈济医院中医部,花莲,台湾
4 佛教慈济医疗财团法人花莲慈济医院药剂部,花莲,台湾
Hui-Fen Huang1,2* Ho-Lin Lu1,2 Chien-Jung Huang1 Chien-Hsin Ko2,3
Sang-Chih Lai2,4 Heng-Yuan Chang2 Chien-Lin Chen1,2
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Taiwan
2School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, Tzu Chi University, Taiwan
3Department of Chinese Medicine, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical
Foundation, Taiwan
4Department of Pharmacy, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation,
Hualien, Taiwan
In this article, we will pay attention to combination of physical therapy and traditional Chinese medicine treatments for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis is a body-structure alteration, which can result in psychological disturbance and social maladaptation. Clinicians should correct structural anomalies including vertebral deformities, muscle tone/strength imbalance and leg-length discrepancy. Treatment depends upon the magnitude of the curve and the time of presentation. Modern rehabilitation medicine and physical therapy suggest brace treatment and therapeutic exercise for mild or moderate curves, and surgery for severe scoliosis. Traditional manual therapy,acupuncture, and kung-fu exercise are conventionally used as treatment for Scoliosis. Management based on patient’s manifestation can collocate to correct curves.
Keywords: Scoliosis, Traditional Chinese medicine, Physical therapy, Rehabilitation medicin