
99.9 咳嗽及咽喉肿痛之病例报告与临床思路探讨
Case Report and Clinical Thinking of Cough and Sore Throat  
陈品璇 叶家豪*
咽痛、咳嗽是冬季中医门诊常见的主诉之一,大部分的患者可以找出明确病因,经由中医治疗,通常症状皆能缓解或完全消除。本病例讨论一位35 岁男性患者,因饮食习惯不良以及长期鼻涕倒流,发生扁桃腺发炎,服用西药後仍咽喉肿痛咳嗽的中医治疗处置。初诊处方以《伤寒论》中的小陷胸汤和苍耳散为主方,随证加减紫菀、葶苈子、陈皮和黄芩,并给予适当卫教。服用中药调治,在两次的门诊治疗後,其咽喉肿痛、咳嗽有痰已完全改善,患者对中药疗效相当满意。
Pin-Shuan ChenChia-Hao Yeh*
Department of Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Yangming Branch, Taipei, Taiwan
Sore throat and cough are one of the common main complaints in the outpatient clinics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in winter. Most patients can find a clear cause. After treatment with Chinese medicine, the symptoms can usually be relieved or completely eliminated. This case discusses the treatment of a 35-year-old male patient who suffered from tonsil inflammation due to poor eating habits and long-term nasal regurgitation. After taking western medicine, he still had a sore throat and cough. The first prescription was based on Xiao-Xian-Xiong-Tang and Cang-Er-Sang in Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases. Zi-Wan, Ting-Li-Zi, Chen-Pi and Baikal Skullcap were added and subtracted according to the symptoms, and patient education was given appropriately. After taking Chinese medicine for twice return visits, his symptoms, like sore throat and cough with sputum, have been cured. Over all, he is quite satisfied with the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine.
【Keywords】Cough, Xiao-Xian-Xiong-Tang, Cang-Er-Sang