
99.4 探讨老年人阴╱阳虚体质与心血管疾病相关性之研究


Correlation between Constitution of Yin/Yang Deficiency and Cardiovascular Disease
in the Elderly I
杨育淇1 陈萍和2 黄升苗1*
背景:基於中医理论,阳虚和阴虚体质是用来表徵人群的健康状况。心血管疾病是老年人死亡的主要原因。很少有研究探讨阳/ 阴虚体质与心血管疾病之间的关系。
目的:本研究主要描述老年人阴/ 阳虚体质与心血管疾病的组成比例(proportion)及探讨影响老年人心血管疾病的因素。
方法:透过台湾人体生物资料库的研究数据,本研究共选择了2,353 名60-70 岁的老年人。研究变项包括社会人口学资料、疾病史、健康检查资料及阴/ 阳虚体质。阴/ 阳虚体质是透过中医体质量表来评估。研究使用罗吉斯回归(logistic regression)探讨影响罹患心血管疾病的相关因子。
结果:研究显示老年人阴虚和阳虚比例各占16.6% 及13.1%,罹患有心血管疾病者约38.5%。回归检定统计结果显示高龄、男性、BMI ≥ 24、有糖尿病与有阳虚体质是心血管疾病的危险因素。
Yu-Chi Yang1Ping-Ho Chen2Sheng-Miauh Huang1*
1Department of Nursing, Mackay Medical College, New Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Background: Based on the theory of Chinese Medicine, both yang-deficiency and yin- deficiency constitutions have been used to characterize the health status of the population. Cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of death in the elderly. There was rare study to explore the relationship between the constitutions of yin/yang deficiency and cardiovascular disease.
Aim: The objective of this study was to describe the proportion of yin/yang deficiency and cardiovascular disease in the elderly. Also, we investigated the factors affecting the cardiovascular disease.
Methods: A total of 2,353 elderly people aged 60-70 years were selected from the Taiwan Biobank Research Database. The study variables included the individuals’ demographics, past disease, health check data, and body constitution, where the constitutions of yin/yang deficiency were assessed using the Body Constitution Questionnaire (BCQ). Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with cardiovascular disease.
Results: The percentage of study participants who had cardiovascular disease was 38.5%. The proportions of the elderly people who had the constitutions in yin deficiency and yang deficiency were 16.6% and 13.1%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis show that elder, male, BMI  24, diabetes and the constitution of yang deficiency were the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Conclusion: Elderly in Taiwan with the constitution of yang deficiency had a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, especially for obese men with diabetes. The elderly with the constitution of yang deficiency were suggested to accept detail cardiovascular examinations. Whether improving the constitution of yang deficiency by the Chinese medicine doctors is consistent with the change of cardiovascular health merits further study.
【Keywords】Elderly, Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency, Cardiovascular disease