
97.09 过敏性鼻炎之中医门诊病例报告
A Case Report of the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis with Traditional Chinese Medicine
吕宗1,2 王玟玲1,3*
1 中国医药大学附设医院台北分院中医部
2 大叶大学运动健康管理学系
3 中国医药大学学士後中医学系
过敏性鼻炎是引起鼻炎最见的原因,当接触过敏原时,可引起鼻子发痒、打喷嚏、流鼻水、鼻塞、嗅觉丧失、食欲减退,以及鼻涕倒流导致的夜间阵发性咳嗽。本篇病例是一名6 岁男性患者因晨起咳嗽加重伴随有黄白痰已12 天,前来中国医药大学附设医院台北分院中医部门诊寻求治疗,中医辨证诊断为「营卫不和,肺阴不足」,故以桂枝汤合养阴清肺汤调和营卫,滋阴清肺,以期滋阴润燥清热、逆气止咳、利肺宣肃。治疗一周後咳嗽症状已好,打喷嚏和流鼻涕有改善。过敏性鼻炎高居美国第五大慢性病,也是美国儿童最常见的慢性病,台湾儿童则将近一半罹患过敏性鼻炎,关於过敏性鼻炎的辨证和治疗是值得关注的议题。
Chung-Yen Lu1,2Wen-Ling Wang1,3*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taipei Branch
2Department of Sport and Health Management, Da-Yeh University
3School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
Allergic rhinitis is the most common cause of rhinitis. Exposing to allergens can cause sensitive population’s symptoms such as itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, abnormal smell and appetite as well as runny nose. This article presents a case of a 6 year old boy suffering from increased cough with yellowwhite sputum in the early morning for 12 days coming to the Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taipei Branch for help. Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor diagnosed the patient with “disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi and deficiency of lung yin” and recommended Gui Zhi Tang and Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang to improve harmonizing yingfen and weifen as well as nourishing yin and clearing lung-heat. After one weeks of treatment, the patient was no longer coughing and his symptoms of sneezing and runny nose have been improved. Allergic rhinitis is the most common chronic disease in children in the United States and the fifth most common chronic disease in the United States overall. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis for children in Taiwan is approximately 50%. The issue of the diagnosis and treatment for allergic rhinitis is worthy of being discussed.
【Keywords】allergic rhinitis, disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi,deficiency of lung yin, Gui Zhi Tang, Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang