
97.06 年轻男性巅顶头痛治疗病案报告
Chinese Medicine Treatment of Young Male Parietal Headache: A Case Report
这位36 岁男性,无其他慢性疾病史,近期值夜班,主诉巅顶头痛四天,胀痛合并重感,常常持续一整天,头痛无前兆,起床时较严重,伴有双眼视力些微模糊。无头部明显外伤,近来无感冒或流鼻涕。辨证为脾气虚弱头痛,治则为益气温中补虚,调整上焦气血。服用中药後,病患头痛改善,续追踪治疗。透过病案了解中气虚弱头痛成因及其特色。
You-Ting Chou*
Dept. of Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
This is a 36 year-old man with no chronic underlying disease. He works in graveyard shift in recent months. He suffered from headache for four days. It’s dull pain with heavy sensation, and always last for a whole day especially in the morning. There’s no aura but with blurred vision. He denied trauma history or cold signs. He was diagnosed as qi deficiency headache. Headache subsided after Chinese herbs powder given. We could learn how qi deficiency headache happened and the symptoms and signs of qi deficiency headache from this case.
【Keywords】headache, spleen qi vacuity