
97.05 精索静脉曲张之中医诊疗病例报告
Chinese Medicine Treatment of Varicocele :A Case Report
精索静脉曲张是指男性阴囊附近精索处不正常的静脉弯曲与扩大,临床症状除了阴囊坠胀感、钝痛或活动、出力时诱发剧烈疼痛外,更可能导致睾丸温度上升,影响精子生成,造成男性不孕症。在中医中则归属「筋瘤」、「筋疝」的范畴,可责之於肝气郁结、经络瘀阻,甚或肾精不足。本病例报告为一29 岁男性,自述近半年有反覆左下腹抽痛引至左侧鼠蹊部,伴随左睾丸胀痛,疼痛数字等级量表(Numerical Rating Scale)为8 分,泌尿科就诊建议手术治疗,而病患同时於中医内科门诊就诊,调治三个月後,疼痛强度及发作频率显着下降。
Chen-Ying WeiPin-Han Wang*
Department of Chinese Medicine, Taoyuan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Varicocele is a vascular lesion characterized by the dilation of gonadal veins in the scrotum. Clinical presentation may include scrotal swelling, and scrotal pain which aggravated by exertion. This condition is also related to increased testicular temperature, which has adverse effect on spermatogenesis and may led to infertility.
In traditional Chinese medicine field, varicocele was described as “tendon tumor”. Liver qi stagnation, meridian stasis or deficiency of kidney essence are possible causes. Here, we reported a case of 29-year-old man with recurrent left lower quadrant abdominal pain, radiating to inguinal area, along with left scrotal swelling. Diagnosis of varicocele was confirmed in Urology out-patientdepartment, and surgical intervention was suggested. Patient started to visit Chinese medicine’s out-patient-department at the same time and took concentrated Chinese herb powders which mainly containing the formula of Ju-He-Wan. After 3 months of treatment, the intensity and frequency of abdominal and scrotal pain significantly decreased. This case provides clinical observation experiences of Chinese medicine’s effect on varicocele.
【Keywords】varicocele, liver depression qi stagnation, qi stagnation and blood stasis, Ju He Wan