
96.05 心律不整医案报告
A Case Report of an Woman with Cardiac Arrhythmia
王俊洁 叶家豪*
病人为72 岁女性,有二尖瓣脱垂、胃肿瘤开刀病史,心悸胸闷已一年,於107/8 诊断有心脏节律不整、阵发性心房颤动,近半年心悸且胸口滞闷感加重,稍动易喘,短气乏力,睡前心跳较慢,睡着後心跳忽然加快,严重时会有心脏欲跳出感,108 年6 月24 开始至本院中医门诊就诊,服用中药调治,经中医辨证为心气血两虚,在一个多月的治疗後其怔忡、心悸已获控制,患者对疗效相当满意。
Chun-Chieh Wang Chia-HaoYeh*
Taipei City Hospital, Yangming Branch, Department of Chinese Medicine
We present a case of 72-year-old woman who had suffered from cardiac arrhythmia with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation for one year. The symptom of palpitation often accompanied with chest tightness and general malaise. The symptoms get worse in December 2018. The patient visit traditional Chinese medicine clinic on June 2019. TCM diagnosis is deficiency of both qi and blood of heart. Palpitations and chest tightness improved a lot after Chinese medicine treatment. The patient was quite satisfied with the efficacy of our medical treatment.
【Keywords】palpitation, deficiency of heart qi, deficiency of heart blood, atrial fibrillation, cardiac arrhythmia