
95.7 肺炎後遗咳嗽之中医诊疗病例报告
Sequel Cough of Pneumonia: A Case Report
魏任宣 蔡文兴*
本病例讨论一位60 岁女性患者,在接种流感疫苗後发生高烧并发肺炎住院,出院後夜咳不止的治疗处置。主治医师以《金匮要略·肺痿肺痈咳嗽上气病脉证治》:「火逆上气,咽喉不利,止逆下气者,麦门冬汤主之」的角度切入,探讨中医的病因病机与治则方药。除了中医相关的探讨外,也提出施打疫苗与高烧并发肺炎关系的讨论。
Ren Xing WeiWen Xing Cai*
Taipei City Hospital, KunMing Branch
A 60-year-old female patient hospitalized with a high fever and pneumonia after being vaccinated against influenza, and was treated at night after discharge.Patient was lung impotence lung carbuncle cough upper Qi disease vein syndrome, fire inverse qi, throat unfavorable, anti-gas, treated with maimendong soup. In addition to the related discussion of TCM as well as the relationship between the application of vaccine and high fever complicated with pneumonia.
Keywords Flu vaccine, pneumonia, night cough, maimendong soup