
25S.5 以宣肺清热法治疗COVID-19染疫患者一例暨COVID-19诊治心得分享
TJ TCM.25(S) : 33-42, 2022
以宣肺清热法治疗COVID-19 染疫患者一例
暨COVID-19 诊治心得分享
Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory of Xuanfei Qingre in Treating Covid Related
Symptoms and Signs: A Case Report of Covid-Infected Patient
黄才珊1 戴承杰1*
1 台北医学大学附设医院,台北,台湾
介绍COVID-19 轻证验案一例,症见咳嗽、发烧、鼻涕倒流伴有黏稠痰,食欲不振、腹泻,以宣肺清热为主轴治法,麻杏石甘汤为主方,佐以解表药和清热解毒药,并由X 光可清楚见得其病程的转归。
Tsai-Shan Huang1 Chen-Jei Tai1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taipei Medical University Hospital
the diagnosis and therapy in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The 40 year-old female suffered from cough for 2 days. Successively, cough with sticky sputum, post-nasal drip, diarrhea, and poor appetite were noted. We prescribed mainly Ma Huang and Apricot Seed Combination (Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang), with the “Xuanfei Qingre” method and the outcome of her disease course was satisfied.
We can approach the COVID-19 cases from both TCM and Western medicine perspectives, and it is quite interesting. Although COVID-19 has been known as a disease that primarily affects the lungs, it can also damage several other organs. Besides, Qi closure, phlegm coagulation and blood stasis seem to be major findings of pathogenesis in the theory of TCM.【Keywords】Ma Huang and Apricot Seed Combination (Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang);Xuanfei Qingre method; Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM); COVID-19