
242.2 中医就医人口成长关键因素之研究
TJ TCM.24(2) : 15-30, 2021
A Study on the Key Success Factor for
the Growth of Population in Traditional Chinese Medical Industry
陈文戎1* 吴基逞2
1 翰林中医诊所,台北,台湾
2 国立中山大学管理学院,高雄,台湾
方法:研究首先收集相关之研究文献、学术论着、产业概况等资料,并试着从成本交换理论的观点切入,分析民众就医时的效益成本与行为模式,进行初步问卷调查,整理出民众就诊中医的成本分析。根据结果进一步修正做量化问卷研究,经由立意抽样的问卷填写,共收集459 份,再进行验证与分析。
结果:457 份有效问卷中,有看过中医者380 人(82.8%)、有看过但不想再看者12 人(2.61%),没有看过中医67 人(14.6%)。选择就诊中医的原因主要是有助调理身体(27.02%)与中药副作用小(26.76%)。选择诊所的主要考量是亲友介绍(53.9%)与医院或连锁知名度高(14.3%)。曾经去过中医诊所,但不再去的原因主要为没有效(28.02%)与医师看病潦草(16.76%)。由本研究成本分析结果,我们可看到,民众就医因素虽然多项,但看不看中医的决策因素,则集中指向中医的「有效性」。
【关键词】中医、利用率、成本分析、4C 成本分析
Wen-Jung Chen1*Chi-Cheng Wu2
1Hanlin Chinese Herbal Clinic, Taipei, Taiwan
2College of Management, NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Introduction: The purpose of this research is investigate the key deciding factors on the public usage of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and analysis on raising public awareness of Traditional Chinese Medicine and willingness to use Chinese Medicine for medical needs.
Methods: The study began by collecting data from research literatures, scientific publications, and industry profiles. Cost-benefits and behavior patterns of the public usage of Traditional Chinese Medicine were then analyzed from the perspective of cost exchange theory. An initial questionnaire was used for the cost analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine usage, and a further quantitative survey was revised and performed from results of the initial survey. The study expects to collect 459 questionnaires of purposive sampling for validation and analysis.
Results: The results of the cost analysis showed that although there are multiple factors influencing the willingness of seeking TCM medical attention, the key deciding factor seemed to concentrate on the “effectiveness” of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Conclusion: The key concepts of disease treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine are to condition the body and maintain good health during daily living; healthcare is achieved through disease treatment, conditioning, and health maintenance. For the general public, the current awareness on the Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on daily health maintenance and conditioning of the body, with disease treatment as secondary consideration. The lack of awareness of the effectiveness of TCM resulted in the stagnation of the utilization rate.
【Keywords】Traditional Chinese Medicine; Utilization Rate; Cost Analysis; 4C Cost Analysis