
221.10 外用紫云膏和紫黄膏防治尿布疹
TJ TCM.22(1) : 123-128, 2019
External Use of Purple Clouds Ointment & Purple Yellow Ointment to Prevent & Treat the Diaper Rash
尿布疹,或称尿布性皮肤炎,为常见的婴幼儿皮肤疾患。外用紫云膏(当归、紫草各7.5 克:麻油100 毫升:黄蜡11.25 克)和紫黄膏(当归、紫草、黄连、黄芩、黄柏、大黄各2.25 克:麻油100 毫升:黄蜡11.25 克)可以治疗尿布疹,其中紫黄膏较紫云膏疗效佳。预防尿布疹可以使用紫云膏,每次换尿布的时候,在尿布疹好发的部位涂上薄薄一层形成保护膜,可以减少尿布疹的产生。
Liang-In Liu*
Division of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, New Taipei, Taiwan
Diaper rash, also termed diaper dermatitis, is one of the most common dermatologic conditions in infants and toddlers. External use of Purple Clouds Ointment (PCO, Chinese angelica, arnebia root 7.5g, sesame oil 100 mL, yellow wax 11.25g) & Purple Yellow Ointment (PYO, Chinese angelica, arnebia root, coptis root, scutellaria, phellodendron, rhubarb 2.25g, sesame oil 100 mL, yellow wax 11.25g) can treat the diaper rash. PYO is more effective than PCO. PCO is also an effective barrier in preventing the diaper dermatitis.
Keywordsdiaper rash, diaper dermatitis, Purple Clouds Ointment, Purple Yellow Ointment, external use of herbs