
212.4 《备急千金要方》中的《伤寒杂病论》
TJ TCM.21(2) : 39-46, 2018
Zhongjing-Related Documents in Invaluable Formulas for Emergency
林琬翎1 戴承杰1*
1 台北医学大学附设医院传统医学科,台北,台湾
《千金要方》为唐代名医孙思邈所着,成书於西元651 年。“卷九伤寒方上”和“卷十伤寒方下”广泛收集了唐以前医家有关治疗外感热病的学术思想与临床经验。孙思邈身历西魏、北周、隋乃至初唐盛世,经历世事多,因而接触过各家理论思想,在学习和临床实践中又取得了丰富的经验,最後汇注於《千金要方》。故《千金要方》可作为研究《伤寒杂病论》的丰富资料。
Wan-Ling Lin1Chen-Jei Tai1*
1The department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Taipei Medical University Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan
Invaluable Formulas for Emergency collects the academic thoughts and clinical experiences in treating exogenous febrile diseases. In a board sense it is believes that cold damage is infectious and includes epidemic diseases. Zhang Zhongjing’s medication experience has been recorded in Invaluable Formulas for Emergency.
The paper do a research in Zhongjing-related documents in Invaluable Formulas for Emergency from the review of literature and clinical application.
【Keywords】Invaluable Formulas for Emergency, Treatise on Exogenous Febrile
Disease Exogenous Febrile Disease