
212.2 中医药辅助治疗化疗不适後生活品质改善与用药模式比较探讨-乳癌住院患者 前瞻式单臂世代研究


TJ TCM.21(2) : 09-22, 2018
A Comparative Study on the Improvementof Quality of Life and Medication PatternAfter Adjuvant Chemotherapy for ChineseMedicine: A Prospective Cohort Study ofBreast Cancer Patients
陈韦任1,2 廖启卉3 郑秝丞1,4 李欣桦1 陈柏全1*
1 佛教慈济医疗财团法人大林慈济医院中医部,嘉义,台湾
2 国立成功大学工业卫生学科暨环境医学研究所,台南,台湾
3 奇美医疗财团法人奇美医院中医部,台南,台湾
4 国立成功大学老年学研究所,台南,台湾
前言:乳癌已是全球女性最常见的癌症,我国约每47 分钟就有一位女性罹患乳癌,平均发生年龄约为54 岁,其中以45~65 岁之间为发生高峰,虽然相较於国外,我国女性的乳癌发生率不若西方女性高,或许因为饮食西化、晚婚晚孕等影响,乳癌罹癌率近年不只年轻化,且有逐年上升的趋势。最近的癌症登记统计以及国人十大死因报告,乳癌发生率、死亡率十年成长幅度皆为癌症之首。乳癌现行常规治疗以化学治疗、放射线疗法及手术廓清为主,然而不论是在乳癌的症状,抑或是手术、化、放疗的副作用,对患者所带来的不适症状,皆影响其生活品质,甚至使患者对治疗怯步,也大大的影响患者的治疗意愿及预後。
方法:本研究采用类实验性研究设计法(Quasi-Experimental Design),采取组内对照前後测方法,系针对乳癌住院患者进行中医的治疗,以中药介入以及透过问卷的访查,透过蒐集并观察二十七名未曾接受过乳癌中医治疗的新收案患者,以临床上经常使用的FACT-G 生活品质量表,进行中医介入前後生活品质的评估。
结果:本研究发现透过中医介入在FACT-G 生活品质量表上的分数都有所改善,且在功能、生理、情绪项目达到统计上的显着差异(P<0.05)。
Wei-Jen Chen1,2 Chi-Hui Liao3 Li-Cheng Zheng1,4
Hsin-Hua Li1 Bo-Chyuan Chen1*
1Department of Chinese Medicine, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation,
Chia-Yi, Taiwan
2Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, College of Medicine, National Chen
Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
3Department of Chinese Medicine, Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan
4Institute of Gerontology, National Chen Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the world. In every 47 minutes, there was one woman who were newly diagnosed of breast cancer in Taiwan, with an average age of about 54 year-old. The incidence of breast cancer in women in our country is not as high as that in western women, but perhaps due to the effects of westernized diet, late marriage and late pregnancy,the incidence of breast cancer is not only younger but also increasing year by year.
With the recent cancer registration report statistics and the Chinese top ten cause of death report, the incidence of breast cancer and the death rate all reach the first step. The conventional treatment of breast cancer were chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. However, whether in the symptoms of breast cancer, or side effects caused by surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, patient’s discomfort symptoms impacted their life quality. This study aimed at treating patients with breast cancer hospitalized by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). With TCM intervention and questionnaire survey, we collected and observed 27 newly recruited patients who have not received any TCM treatment of breast cancer. The FACT- G quality of life table were used to patients before and after the intervention of Chinese medicine intervention. From the results of the study, we found that the quality of Life Scale were improved after interventional treatment of Chinese medicine patients, and with statistically significant differences in functional, physiological and emotional items (P<0.05), the results show that Chinese medicine can really help patients with breast cancer in the quality of life. We also revealed the medicine pattern in these patients and compared with the NHIRD study in 2013.
 Keywords Breast cancer, Life quality, Chinese medicine, Medicine pattern,