
211.8 吴茱萸汤及其现代药理与临床回顾性文献探微
TJ TCM.21(1) : 85-96, 2018
Discussion on Wu Zhu Yu Tang and Its Modern Pharmacology with Clinical Literature Reviews
郑旭廷1 侯秀珍2 曾玉灵2 谢淑凤1*
吴茱萸汤是中医经典方剂之一,其源自东汉·张仲景巨着·《伤寒杂病论》,历代医家均对其有不少研究与论述。本文从历朝重要本草与医家着作出发,探讨本方的中医用药机理与六经定位,再从近代中西医学论文中,探究其现代用药机理、毒性作用与临床使用时机,并统计本院传统医学科自2015 11 月至2017 06 月间使用本方药的情形,希望能拓展本方的临床应用范围并尝试找出其临床治疗指引。
Hsu-Ting Cheng1 Hsiu-Jean Hou2 Yu-Ling Tseng2 Shu-Feng Hsieh1*
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2Department of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
“Wu Zhu Yu Tang” is one of the classic formulae of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which originated from the masterpiece “Shanghan Zabing Lun” by “Zhang Zhong-jing” (Eastern Han Dynasty). There were lots of research and discussion of this formula from the past history. We review these important works of herbal medicine and those ancient Doctors’ research, trying to realize the mechanism of Chinese medicine and six-meridian positioning of this formula. Besides, we also review many modern articles and research from the medical databases, trying to explore the pharmacological mechanism and toxicity, as well as the timing of clinical use. In addition, we analyze the data of this formula used in our hospital from November 2015 to June 2017, hoping to expand the clinical application of “Wu Zhu Yu Tang” and to find out its clinical guideline.
KeywordsWu Zhu Yu Tang, mechanism of both chinese and western medicine, clinical application, Evodiamine