
211.5 人叁与Warfarin 交互作用文献回顾
TJ TCM.21(1) : 51-56, 2018
人叁与Warfarin 交互作用文献回顾
Literature Review of the Interaction between Ginseng and Warfarin
陈威杰1 庄筱梅1 陈昱玮2 许航甄3 蔡嘉一1*
1 台中荣民总医院传统医学科,台中,台湾
2 台中荣民总医院嘉义分院心脏内科,嘉义,台湾
3 中山医学大学附设医院中西整合医疗科,台中,台湾
在现代医学环境中,中药与西药彼此间交互作用逐渐受到重视。人叁是中医在临床使用上很重要的药物,常被应用在於体质属於心肺脾虚的族群上,但却被发现可能与抗凝血用药产生交互作用。这样交互作用下可能会产生危及生命的风险,因此人叁与Warfarin 交互作用是值得进一步探讨。回顾国内外文献,发现以中草药而言,人叁是最被热烈讨论在与Warfarin 产生交互作用,然而在过去文献研究上,人叁与Warfarin 交互作用充满冲突结果,深入分析与探讨可以归结出几个重点给同道叁考。对於使用Warfarin 的族群,人叁剂量、服用人叁周数以及体质因素是产生交互作用的重要关键。期许在未来上可以做出更贴近临床事实的研究,以进一步厘清问题所在。
Wei-Chieh Chen1 Hsiao-Mei Chuang1 Yu-Wei Chen2 Hang-Chen Hsu3 Chia-I Tsai1*
1Department of Chinese medicine,Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
2Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Chiayi Branch, Chiayi, Taiwan
3Department of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
In modern medical environment, the awareness of the interaction between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine has been gradually raise. Commonly used in clinical practice, Ginseng is an important Chinese herb, and is applied to patients with qi deficiency of heart, lung and spleen. However, it’s found to have an interaction with anticoagulant drugs, which may cause life-threatening risks. As a result, it is worth further exploring the interaction between use of Ginseng and Warfarin. Of the reviews of domestic and international literatures, Ginseng has been the most commonly cited Chinese herb in terms of the interaction with use of Warfarin. However, the effect of Ginseng on Warfarin has been reported with abundant conflicting results according to the past literature research. After our review and discussion, we can conclude several points for physicians as reference. The key factor of the interaction between Ginseng and Warfarin lies in the dose and time length of use of Ginseng and individual constitutional factors. To sum up, advanced clinical facts of research will be expected to further clarify the problem.
KeywordsGinseng, warfarin, drug interaction