
202.4 癌症患者抑郁症中医药治疗文献回顾


A Literature Review of Adolescent IdioLiterature Review of Chinese Medicine
Treatment for Depression in Patients With Cancer
杨淑婷1 洪裕强2*
1 台北市立联合医院仁爱院区中医部,台北,台湾
2 长庚医疗财团法人高雄长庚纪念医院中医部,高雄,台湾
抑郁在患有恶性肿瘤的患者中具有高发病率和复发率。这是非常有害的,因为抑郁的情绪很大程度上影响了患者的生活品质,降低患者对治疗的顺从性。此外,它影响预後和增加死亡率。随着癌症治疗和手术方法的发展,癌症死亡率逐年下降。然而,抑郁症的发病率仍然很高。Massie 的研究表明,癌症患者抑郁的发生率为1%-50%;严重抑郁0-38%;抑郁症并发症发生率为0-58%(1)。
本文提出针对现代人抑郁症以中医辨证论治分型,最常见的证型可分为:肝气郁结、肝郁脾虚、心脾两虚。根据中医典籍提出情绪与癌症的相关性,治则可采用疏肝健脾、补益心脾的方剂(2) 此外,许多研究都提出针灸治疗抑郁症效果如同抗忧郁剂(3)(4)(5)(6),针灸配合抗忧郁剂比单纯服用药物更有效。且癌症患者因已接受过化疗、放疗等对於肿瘤抑制的治疗,选择能治疗抑郁症,又低化学毒性及副作用的疗法,中药和针灸能减轻病患身体的负荷,也能提高治疗癌症的成效。
Shu Ting Yang1 Yu-Chiang Hung2*
1Taipei City Hospital, Renai Branch Division of Chinese Medicine, Taipei,Taiwan
2Department of Chinese Medicine, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Depression has high morbidity and recurrence rates in patients with cancer. Furthermore, depression may contribute to shortened survival in those diagnosed with cancer, as well as increasing the risk of developing cancer in some people.With the development of cancer treatment and surgical methods, cancer mortality decreased year by year. However, the incidence of depression remains high.Massie’s study showed that prevalence of major depression in individuals with cancer was 1%-50%; severe depression 0-38%; depression with complications was 0-58%.
The objectives of this paper were to summarize the commonly diagnosed Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) patterns in patients with depression .We only analyzed the top four commonly studied TCM patterns: liver qi depression, liver depression and spleen deficiency, dual deficiency of the heart, and spleen and liver depression and qi stagnation. To find out the current practice of pattern-based CHM treatment for depression. Furthermore, using the treatment of depression as an example, accumulating evidence has indicated that acupuncture combined with antidepressant medications is more effective than antidepressants alone.
Pharmacological treatment of depression, can contribute to the high chemical burden already carried by cancer patients, creating additional side effects. As aresult, patients are interested in evidence-based low pharmacologic alternatives like acupuncture or TCM for these symptoms.
Keywords: Depression with cancer, Liver qi depression, Acupuncture or TCM for Depression